You Know You're a Floridian When...

My Top Ten:
10. Sweet tea can be served at any meal.
9. A good parking place has nothing to do with distance from the store, but everything to do with shade.
8. Anything under 70 is chilly.
7. You've attended (or hosted!) a hurricane party.
6. You go to a theme park for an afternoon, and know when to get on the best rides.
5. You can pronounce Okeechobee, Kissimmee, Withlacoochee , Okahumpka and Loxahatchee.
4. You understand why it's better to have a friend with a boat than have a boat yourself.
3. You've driven through Yeehaw Junction.
2. You've worn shorts and used the A/C on Christmas.
1. You dread lovebug season.
Thanks to my "Floridian Friend" for sharing a good "forward"!!
(cartoon courtesy of dougstatetoons/index.htm)
Labels: fun facts
Quote for the Day

If you've learned anything about me by reading my posts I would think you'd know by now that I'm a bit of a book worm. I've started yet another book that I will review on a later post once I'm finished, but already the author pulled me in with just one sentence in the first chapter:
"Only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer move God."
Think on that one!
Labels: books
Book Review

I just finished a very quick read...
"23 Minutes in Hell" by Bill Wiese. It's a stirring account of his 23-minute experience in hell and how it forever changed him as a Christ-Follower. The narrative itself is very short in length (4 chapters), but quite descriptive and disturbing. Throughout the rest of the book he takes the opportunity to answer questions and provide scriptural as well as expert scholarly back up to his own acquaintance with Sheol or Hades. It's fascinating and convicting...not purely for entertainment. This man is passionate about using what time he has left on this earth to steer the lost toward a loving relationship with Christ.
Labels: books
We're Back!

Mollie and I had and amazing trip! The Rainey's thought of everything when they planned this mini-retreat for parent and child. The memories we created these past couple of days will be cherished for a lifetime. I'm eternally grateful to my girlfriend Lisa for recommending Passport to Purity to me and want to in turn recommend it to all of you out there reading this. It will forever change your relationship with your child, creating a trust and bond you can only obtain by spending one on one time, praying, laughing, talking, and walking through these biblical principles together. What are you waiting for?
Start planning!
Labels: family
See ya later alligator...

My husband took this picture a couple of days ago at a nature park not far from our house. So much for taking a refreshing dip in a local lake to cool off!
I'm off to the beach for a couple of days with my daughter...
Labels: fun pict's
A Few Thoughts...

Andrew's going for his learner's permit on Thursday. I can't believe the day has come that we'll have a third driver in our family!
Summer is wearing on me. Every year we plan our vacation at the end of summer and every year we have to wait through a dozen of our friends taking off on their vacations and leaving us behind to wait, wait, and wait some more!
It's HOT here in south Florida and I can't, in good conscience, send my kids outside to play. They'd collapse with heat stroke if I did that! I'm tired of watching them zone out in front of PS2 or the computer or the television...."the devil's triangle," my dear friend Debbie calls it, and I happen to concur! So we sit and wait for the summer heat to pass.
My house is in need of a very late "spring cleaning" but it will have to wait a few weeks. I'm not in that groove yet!
The kids and I have to take a few minutes today to write to our Russian pen pals and then pick up a small gift to send them. What can you send (besides a dollar store trinkett) that doesn't require fluency in English in order to use it? need to expound on that one!
Labels: ponderings
Passport to Purity

I'm doing
"Passport to Purity" this week with my daughter. If you've never heard of it or if you've maybe heard of it, but are not sure what it is, it's a do-it-yourself retreat designed for a parent and a young teen/preteen. There's a lot of prep work on the parents part, but after that, the author's, Barbara and Dennis Rainey of Family Life Today, lead you through biblical principles for those difficult challenges your child is about to face in their teen years. They help you plan it from beginning to end and included in the kit is a parent manual, student manual and CD's featuring the Rainey's. I don't want to give too much away, but believe me when I say, they lay it ALL out for you step by step to help create a weekend to remember for both parent and child. I'm very excited to see what God does in the heart of my middle born and mine as well!
Labels: books, family
Vacuum troubles

Almost 5 years ago I purchased my very first high end vacuum cleaner. An Oreck XL360. It was love from the start! Weighing in at only 7 lbs. it was much easier on my back and did a tremendous job of picking up anything in its path. Included in the purchase of the Oreck upright was a lightweight portable canister vac which I've used to clean everything from my car, to lampshades, sofas, curtains & baseboards. I've never regretted the $450 purchase price, as I use one or the other of my cleaning devices sometimes daily.
Recently I've noticed that the upright is spitting out dirt from the base. After some investigating, I discovered three cracks in the pole that attaches to the base. Shucks!
I pulled out my warranty information and it's possible (I say this with great reserve, as these things don't usually work out well for me!) that this repair may fall under the limited 10 year product warranty. So on my planner for next week is a trip to the closest authorized service center to see if they're willing to help the latest victim of domestic wear and tear. Stay tuned for announcement of the verdict!
Labels: ponderings
Adoption Update

Penny just called and I knew something was up when I answered the phone and she was screaming! After many long months of waiting for their agency's reaccreditation, they finally received word this morning that America World obtained the necessary certification from the Russian government to move forward with adoptions! This is amazing news!!! It means that within 2-3 weeks they should have the referral for their children and could travel as soon as two weeks after that!
I remember when Chris and Penny divulged their intention to adopt. It was August of 2005 and they began the process immediately. The entire family was elated! Hearing those words from their lips was no different than hearing the words "we're pregnant!" I recall Penny's attempt to soothe our enthusiasm by comparing the adoption process to that of an elephant's pregnancy...2 years!! I never believed it would take that long. Especially when they, after one year, were presented with a referral and pictures of two beautiful Russian orphans. We were amazed and thrilled beyond words to have made it to that point in just over a year. But it was too good to be true. Their agency lost their accreditation and while waiting for renewal, my precious brother and his wife lost their referrals for the babies our family had already grown to love in our hearts. So came the sorrow of such a loss, and then more waiting....
So here we are, coming up on the two year anniversary of the inception of this grueling procedure, and once again, there is light and hope. I ask each of you reading this to please commit Chris and Penny to prayer as they step into the unsure waters of new referrals, Russian travel, court appearances and all the other trappings of an international adoption. I'll keep you posted as things develop. You can also stay up to date by visiting their adoption blog
Labels: adoption
Blog Rating?

Mingle2 -
One of the blogs I frequent is that of
Bob Franquiz. He's a pastor at at church in Miami and he has a lot of great book reviews on his site. I enjoy reading about his day to day challenges and thoughts, and you might too. He posted on the blog rating seen above and I thought it was cute so I posted it too (we both have G-rated blogs!). Check him out and if nothing else, pray for his ministry.
Labels: blogging
Object of My Desire...

Okay, so I'm new to this whole EBay bidding thing, but in my very recent acquaintance with this popular internet "garage sale" conglomerate I have a theory on how this thing works. Those of you who have been doing this for awhile tell me if I'm that far off.
There's that special "something" that you've been craving for a long time, but have delayed purchasing in hopes of finding a better deal (remember, I'm a self-proclaimed cheapskate so I assume every one else is too!). You stumble upon the very object of your desire on EBay, who knew it!? And the starting bid is insanely low! Well, who can withstand the impulse? You resistantly place your first bid, feeling a bit giddy at the thought of obtaining the item so reasonably.
There! They've got their claws in you! Little by little they draw you in, pushing your bottom line a smidge higher by sending scattered emails informing you - "You're the high bidder!" and then, oh no...."You've been outbid!" Back and forth you go as you inch up to an amount near the articles' original purchase price. Add in the shipping and you've saved next to nothing!
How do they do it? I think the sellers have secret contract bidders to drive the price up to their calculated bottom line. They know once you start the bidding, especially if you're at all competitive, you won't stop until it's your's to claim!
So how far off am I? Or is this just another one of my conspiracy theories...they really are all out to get us, aren't they?
Labels: ponderings
World Statistics Clock
This "clock" is so cool! It's a little big for the post margins, but the overlap won't be an issue as it moves down the page. Click on the buttons to see the numbers change for now, day, week, month & year. Poodwaddle has some free downloads that are pretty interesting. Check them out...
Created by
Doritos Flavor Experiment

I just got back from Walmart and while there I stumbled across an interesting package of Doritos. I decided it would be fun for the kids (and me!) to bring it home and check it out. As you can see above, the package is intriguing. In my opinion, whoever fabricated this Doritos X13-D marketing experiment is brilliant. Who wouldn't be interested in discovering a new flavor of Doritos? In addition to guessing the flavor, you can go to their website for the revelation and you're given an opportunity to script a commercial for their newest concoction. Just go to and click on the X13-D buiding and you'll see what I mean. If you pick up a bag, I'd be curious to hear some of your predictions. By the way, Andrew and I were very close with our hypothesis...
Labels: ponderings

I'm not a fan of forwarded email sob story's, jokes or petitions. But once in awhile I'll get one that I can't help but share with a friend or two, and being a devout reader, this little quip rates up there with some of my favorites. Hope you get as big of a laugh out of it as I did!
Never Argue with a Woman
One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to
take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the
boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and reads her book.
Along comes a Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and
says, "Good morning, Ma'am. What are you doing?"
"Reading a book," she replies, (thinking, "Isn't that obvious?") "You're in a
Restricted Fishing Area," he informs her.
"I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading."
"Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any
moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up."
"If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault,"
says the woman.
"But I haven't even touched you," says the game warden.
"That's true, but you have all the equipment.
For all I know you could start at any moment."
"Have a nice day ma'am," and he left.
MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also
Labels: ponderings
New Shoes!

A few posts back you may remember me deciding it was time to retire my New Balance 640's and start looking for my next pair of running shoes. I'm not one for change in any area of my life and when I find something that works well, I'm happy to stick with it until the day I die, never venturing off to discover a "new and improved" version. Just give me the same exact item I had before, it worked well, why change??
So I did a little investigating in an attempt to find the very same shoe only to find out they don't make it anymore. Initially I was peeved, but after further reading, I uncovered a new and exciting fact about New Balance shoes (I'm sure other brands have this as well, but I'm not interested in finding out!)...shoe last. "A shoe 'Last' is a wood, plastic, or metal foot model on which shoes are constructed. The shape of a Last affects the width, length, and fit of the shoe. Each New Balance Last is engineered to provide a unique fit and size profile optimized for women, men, or kids according to their unique foot characteristics."
I was thrilled! All I needed to do was find out what "last" my old shoe was! After realizing I need an SL-2 last, all I had to do was find a shoe that was similar to my "old buddies".
I did some online window shopping but didn't want to spend what they were asking, so I was continuing my search and contemplating changing my price range. Until last night....
I needed to purchase a birthday gift for my niece and on our way to the checkout I had to walk past the shoe department at Marshall's. HELLO!!! They had several New Balance running shoes and they had SL-2's!! Soooo I've got brand new 411 lime green and white running shoes within my cheapskate price range of $34.99!Labels: running
I can't believe I'm doing this...

Okay, I'm going out on a very scary limb here! About seven months ago I started running again. I've had some back problems off and on which have set me back for months at a time in the past few years, but I'm feeling really strong at this point and want to set some goals for myself before I change my mind or my back goes out again. By December/January I want to run my very first 5K race. There, I said it! The fact that I'm committing to this amongst all those who may visit my blog sets me up for some serious accountability. I guess there's no turning back now. I'm going to need some cheerleaders if I'm going to succeed, so don't be shy in your words of encouragement!
Labels: running

My brother and his wife have been in the adoption process of two Russian children for coming up on two years now. It's been a difficult journey for them, but they've never lost hope or trust in the Lord. Their agency has been awaiting re-accreditation since November of last year. It's been agony for Chris and Penny and othesr like them who have waited so long for their children, with no end in sight. It seems, however, that things are beginning to move a bit. Their agency is expecting news on their re-accreditation within the next few weeks. Once this happens, my sweet sister-in-law & brother should receive referrals for their children soon after. Will you please pray with us that they can finally begin making plans to bring their children home?
Labels: adoption
Good Read

I'm currently reading "Light Force", a follow up to the 1967 "God's Smuggler" about Brother Andrew and his bible-smuggling adventures throughout the Iron Curtain. This continuation of Brother Andrew's Open Doors ministry takes place in the Middle East, specifically Lebanon, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, during some of the greatest violent outbursts of that region. His goal? To encourage believers & church leaders not to run from the bloodshed, but rather, be a light to those suffering, bringing peace and hope to the one's caught in the midst of the nightmare of war and terrorism, creating a door for change.
I encourage you to pick it up and give it a read. May it stir you, as it has me, to pray for our brothers and sisters around the globe who are up against challenges and suffering that are incomprehensible to us. Such trials may not be so removed from America for long....
Labels: books
Happy Birthday Chris!

Today is my baby brother's birthday. He's now 35! I can't believe how fast time goes.
I remember as kids playing "Star Wars" out in the back yard. After listening to the "Star Wars" record on our record player (they didn't have videos back then!) we knew most of the lines from particular parts of the movie, so we would pick different scenes to play out. Of course, I was always princes Leia and Chris would be Luke. He wanted to be Han, but I wouldn't let him! I seceretly liked Han so my brother just couldn't play that part! Little did we know that years later it would be revealed that Luke was actually Leia's interesting!
Now we're grown ups. Today, we play different games. We have our own characters to play.....on Wii! Chris can whoop me at tennis, but I'll take him down in boxing! He's 35 and crippled...bring it on baby brother!
Things haven't changed much, have they? (he's gonna kill me for using this picture!)
Labels: family
A Few Favorites

These are from today's shoot....what beautiful subjects! It's hard to believe they're mother & daughter, they look more like sisters!
Labels: photography
Photo Shoot!

I'm headed out to the beach to do some "mother/daughter" photos of a friend in our small group. I'll post a couple of my favorites when I get back.
Labels: photography
Sadly True, I Fear!

I fear these kinds of scenes will become an American epidemic!
My Condolences...

I'd like to take the opportunity to officially send my condolences to all the wives who have recently lost their husbands to the latest Apple gadget...the iPhone. Two more of my friends, just yesterday, encountered that sinking feeling in your stomach when a huge purchase occurs, a purchase that has no mutual benefit other than the fact that their husbands are now happily engrossed in their new little toy. I feel your pain. My sister in law stood in line for an hour on behalf of my crippled brother (he had just had knee surgery), and I personally, found myself being dragged to the Apple store by my suddenly adolescent husband to obtain the 4G version. Girls, one bit of advice, if you've been wanting a new pair of shoes, handbag or new outfit, nows the time. Your man will not refuse you as it will be the just the thing he needs to ease his conscience. You have about a week, girlfriends, before the high of his new aquisition wears off, so step to it!
Labels: ponderings
Junior Photographer

My daughter has had a keen interest in photography for the past couple of years so we decided to sign her up for a digital photography class this summer at our local junior college (PBCC). It's a 5 week class that covers the basics in digital photography. I'm so proud of her. She's going to have a real head start by kicking off this hobby of hers at such a young age. She has a great eye, as you can see by the headline photo above (Benjamin sipping on a root bear float!), and if you've got that, you're one leg up on the rest. Who knows? I may have a fledgling assistant in the making. I take that back, I may be HER assistant, and sooner than I think!
Labels: family, photography

Being a budding photographer, I've spent some time checking out various professionals websites and blogs for insight on their techniques and tips. A friend in our small group told me about a wedding they went to in California in which the photographer, in her opinion was outrageous. Her two middle school children actually walked the couples' dogs down the aisle in this very high end wedding and the photographer had that particular shot posted on his blog. I had to check it out. She was right, this guy is amazing! This was back in December and I've been frequenting his blog ever since. I now have Mike Colon posted on my blog as one of my favorites.
Not only is this thirty-something, married father of two a first class wedding photojournalist, he's a dedicated Christ follower and not ashamed to share his faith. I've especially enjoyed reading his forethoughts on keeping his faith at the center of his business. He's a real inspiration to many and it's evident by the comments he receives on his blog.
Recently Mike posted an interesting story about a meeting he had with a guy who runs his shoe business with a vision to help people in need. The guys name is Blake Mycowski and he's the founder and owner of Tom's Shoes. Mike confesses in his post that Blake "totally inspired me to find new ways to bless others and build charity into my business to the point that it's more a foundation for my business than just something I do in my free time."
Check out Mike's blog and then view Tom's shoe drop video in Argentina. It's touching to see a young guy with a passion for helping others. Something we don't see every day in America, but maybe, if enough people are ignited by guys like Blake and Mike, could actually could change in the not so distant future.
Labels: photography
The Shooter

Last night I watched "The Shooter". I remember wanting to see it when it came out in the movies, but after reading the review on Plugged In, decided it would probably tick me off because of it's negative spin on the government, making it appear corrupt....hellooo?? What was I thinking?? I actually really enjoyed the movie! It was entertaining, maybe a little far fetched, but not totally outside the realm of possibility, right?
Maybe I've watched too many movies over the years with this type of story line, or maybe I've heard from my dad too many times how all politicians are degenerate and power hungry. Call me a conspiracy theorist, I won't disagree with you. Why should I feel differently?
The human factor makes us all corrupt to some degree. Those who call themselves "christians" are capable of horrendous acts, how much more so are those without Christ?
I've been pondering these thoughts for some time now, especially since we're gearing up for a big election next year. Who to vote for? Why vote at all? A once passionate voter, I'm now losing my enthusiasm and belief that there's anyone out there actually intending to represent the people of this great nation. Those seeking my vote for 2008 have a lot ground to cover before I'll even turn an ear. And I suspect I'm not alone...
Labels: movies
Small Group Project Update

Today I'm going downtown to the courthouse on behalf of the Haun family in order to have the notice of commencement recorded for permitting purposes. I'll be honest, this is not something I'm looking forward to, but I know it's something that must be done and I'll be relieved once it's behind me. Pray that there are no hang ups or delays. I have no knowledge of the permitting process, I'm just a gopher, so pray they don't ask me any questions! I know God is stretching me, in particular, in this task He's given us. I pray God's not disappointed with my attitude, because at times it's stinky. I want to be a sweet aroma, not an unappealing odor!! Lord, help me persevere with your strength and love!
Labels: church
How addicted are you?
Click on the picture to find out how addicted you are....I'm convinced that my brother is 100% addicted!!
70%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?Mingle2 - Online Dating
Labels: blogging
Amazing Discovery!

Upon our recent visit to Starke, Florida we stumbled upon an amazing discovery....
Ever wonder what to do with that broken weed wacker, rusted chainsaw, or leaky gas can? What about when the kids outgrow their tricycle, or your horse dies, leaving his saddle behind?
A family of creative geniuses must reside in Starke, because that's where the answers to these troubling questions reside! Every unused, misused, or dilapitated piece of equipment you own can have new a fence post decoration!! The picture speaks for itself!
Labels: ponderings
Boot Camp Graduation

We got our oldest son back!!
Thursday morning at 7 a.m. my parents and our family headed on a caravan toward Starke, Florida and Camp Blanding where Andrew spent the last two weeks at Sea Cadet boot camp.
We took some back roads passing by Lake Weir to check on a house we're renting for the entire family in August. We were delighted. The house is right on the lake and bordering the Ocala National Forest. Old Florida at its best! Can't wait...we had a bite to eat a a local joint...Gator Joe's...and then we were on our way.
We arrived in Starke, checked in to our hotel and then meandered over to Camp Blanding. Just outside the Guard gate is an outdoor museum of WWII vehicles and equipment, so we enjoyed a brief stroll, stretching our legs and taking a few photos. Amazingly, we actually stumbled upon the cadets practicing for Friday's graduation! They were too far away to discern any familiar faces, but just knowing my son was on the other side of the fence riddled me with joy! In a few hours, we would get to bring our son home!
Graduation started at 9 a.m. with the cadets marching out onto the field. There was a nice ceremony, and after the cadets tossed their hats in the air, they gave the graduates a few minutes with their families (yes, there was plenty of emotion!) before loading them up on a bus and taking them back to the barracks for inspection. Finally, at 12:30 Andrew tossed his sea bag into the car and we set out for lunch, greatly anticipating the many stories and highlights we would hear on our 4 1/2 hour ride home.
The pride in my heart is indescribable. Andrew left for boot camp with a positive attitiude, godly spirit, and great determination. He returned with all of the same attributes, only magnified! We are blessed beyond measure that our first born son has a love for the Lord that is so evident in his servant-leadership abilities. My spirit tells me there is a great calling on the life of this boy-turned-man, and I wait with baited breath to see how God plans to use him for the Kingdom and His glory.
Labels: family