Sunday, July 1, 2007

Boot Camp Graduation

We got our oldest son back!!

Thursday morning at 7 a.m. my parents and our family headed on a caravan toward Starke, Florida and Camp Blanding where Andrew spent the last two weeks at Sea Cadet boot camp.

We took some back roads passing by Lake Weir to check on a house we're renting for the entire family in August. We were delighted. The house is right on the lake and bordering the Ocala National Forest. Old Florida at its best! Can't wait...we had a bite to eat a a local joint...Gator Joe's...and then we were on our way.

We arrived in Starke, checked in to our hotel and then meandered over to Camp Blanding. Just outside the Guard gate is an outdoor museum of WWII vehicles and equipment, so we enjoyed a brief stroll, stretching our legs and taking a few photos. Amazingly, we actually stumbled upon the cadets practicing for Friday's graduation! They were too far away to discern any familiar faces, but just knowing my son was on the other side of the fence riddled me with joy! In a few hours, we would get to bring our son home!

Graduation started at 9 a.m. with the cadets marching out onto the field. There was a nice ceremony, and after the cadets tossed their hats in the air, they gave the graduates a few minutes with their families (yes, there was plenty of emotion!) before loading them up on a bus and taking them back to the barracks for inspection. Finally, at 12:30 Andrew tossed his sea bag into the car and we set out for lunch, greatly anticipating the many stories and highlights we would hear on our 4 1/2 hour ride home.

The pride in my heart is indescribable. Andrew left for boot camp with a positive attitiude, godly spirit, and great determination. He returned with all of the same attributes, only magnified! We are blessed beyond measure that our first born son has a love for the Lord that is so evident in his servant-leadership abilities. My spirit tells me there is a great calling on the life of this boy-turned-man, and I wait with baited breath to see how God plans to use him for the Kingdom and His glory.



At July 1, 2007 at 5:23 PM , Blogger stacy said...

We are so proud of Andrew!!
love the Wiggins :)

At July 1, 2007 at 6:03 PM , Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

andrew is a stud!


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