Book Review

I just finished a very quick read..."23 Minutes in Hell" by Bill Wiese. It's a stirring account of his 23-minute experience in hell and how it forever changed him as a Christ-Follower. The narrative itself is very short in length (4 chapters), but quite descriptive and disturbing. Throughout the rest of the book he takes the opportunity to answer questions and provide scriptural as well as expert scholarly back up to his own acquaintance with Sheol or Hades. It's fascinating and convicting...not purely for entertainment. This man is passionate about using what time he has left on this earth to steer the lost toward a loving relationship with Christ.
Labels: books
I have read some books about people who died and came back, but they all were heaven-related. I am assuming he died a non-believer and then was brought back? Would you recommend it for teens or is it too intense?
He didn't actually die...he was transported in a dream. Very bizarre. He was a believer and Jesus took him to hell to show him the horror so he could tell others. I'd like Andrew to read it, but I think I'll hold off for Mollie--it gave me the heeby geebies so I'm sure it could cause some distress for younger believers.
He probably prayed for dreams and visions and God answered his prayer! It sounds like an interesting read...
Just read this book! WOW!!
It's a life changing book for believers and nonbelievers too! I couldn't put it down! He clearly didn't ask for this vision, but it was not a dream. God allowed him to really see and experience the horror of hell. He is being faithful to warn others... it made me ask myself how faithful I've been to warn others. A must read!
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