Family Getaway
The Kush family is not known for being spontaneous. Last week, however, we stepped out and were just that! Dave had a few days off and we were going to hang around and do a couple of day trips....that turned in to a whirlwind trip to Cleveland and back with a couple of stops to and from.Our first stop was with Dave's sister in Charlotte, N.C. where it was brief - a few hours sleep and a delicious breakfast. We always look forward to time spent with the Davis'! Hospitality central:)
We arrived at Dave's dad's house Wednesday evening where Grandpa was waiting with a dinner spread prepared solely by him - borscht and stew - a very special treat!

Below are a few pictures of some of the other friends & family we were able to catch up with after years of being apart...

We enjoyed a day at Cedar Point with our long time friends from Cleveland, the Foldesy's. Here we are waiting in line for the craziest coaster ride I've ever experienced - The Raptor!

We made a visit to Dave's side of the family at his Aunt Lucy's house in Lakewood. Here we are with his cousin's family who are missionaries and are preparing to leave for the Philippines in August.

Our last stop in Cuyahoga County was in Bay Village to meet up with Dave's childhood friend and best man, Bryan Koorey. He and his wife happened to be in town for a wedding and his parents blessed us with an out of this world breakfast spread before we started our way back to Florida.

Eight hours later we arrived in Northeastern Tennessee where our dear friends, the Gregory's and Durrua's call "home base". They travel most of the time but are blessed to now have homes in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains. Two words - FUN & BEAUTIFUL! Here are our three families' children (minus Beau & Allie).

...and the parents of those adorable kids!!
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