Staying Fit in 2008
In a previous post I gave a rundown of my top ten favorite 21st century conveniences. Here are my top five necessities for staying fit &
"looking good" while doing so...
Pod mini - could I actually run as often as I do without the benefit of this little guy cheering me along?
Pink Nike sun visor - Keeps hot Florida sun out of your eyes while running...also good for all of your neighbors recognizing you as "the lady with the pink visor that runs around the neighborhood"
New Balance running shoes - Keeps away blisters, bunions and achy soles!
Downy Wrinkle Releaser- Keeps my workout clothes smelling good and wrinkle free. Has the added benefit of giving the iron a rest - I may never have to use my Rowenta again!
Nylon running jacket - Helps me stay warm on those very few cold Florida mornings (brrrr...)

Labels: running

I'm sad to say that we are not movie rental enthusiasts in the Kush household. We have way too many network television shows that we are addicted to - House, Lost, CSI, Heroes, The Office - you get the picture, one for every night of the week! Besides getting nailed with one too many late fees from our local movie rental center, due to the hectic nature of our weeknights, we've had more than our share of movie rentals returned unwatched!
That said, a couple of our friends have started using Netflix, making movie watching much more feasible due to it's front-door delivery and pick up as well as the convenience of ordering online. You never have to leave your house - just a short walk to your mailbox and tah-dah! You're requested movie is at your fingertips!
As you can probably guess, this option has started to sound a bit appealing and caused me to consider trying this not-so-new modern convenience. I've not decided anything. I haven't even discussed it with my husband. I'm just tossing it around in my head.
Now, my PSL girlfriend and homeschool mentor lands this one on me. Fishflix. You got it. Same idea as Netflix, but a Christian based and family centered entertainment resource. Their motto..."edify, encourage and entertain." Intrigued yet? You can check them out
here. They have everything from well-loved movie classics to documentary's and bible teaching.
More for me to process! Anyway, I'm thinking about it...why don't you?
Labels: friends, fun facts, tv
Favorite Things of 2007

This is a quick rundown of items I've found to be some of my favorite things. Some are new to me but most have been tried and true over the years. I actually use every one of these items almost daily, if you can believe it!
Biosilk finishing spray - Gives your hair an unbelievable shine without feeling oily
Caswell Masseys Elixer of Love Potion No. 1 - A light & fresh smelling every day fragrance
Label maker - I just love labeling things!
Turbie Twist hair turban - Perfect as a "shower cap" for days when you don't have time to do your hair
Neutrogena sesame body oil -Leaves skin silky without the slime--get's rid of dry pimply skin
Ooh la Lift under eye depuffer by Benefit - Really works to rid those under eye bags!
Chi flat iron - Keeps my unruly hair under control!
Franklin Covey daily planner - Absolutely can't live without it; keeps my life in order!
Pilot G-2 mechanical pencil - I'm a pencil lover to begin with, but when a friend gave me this one, none other will do for me (I actually panic when I can't find it!).
Tamrac Camera sling bag - Keeps my most precious possession safe and organized!
Labels: fun facts, gadgets
Must Read List

In a personal journal I have a list of books written down that I hope to read in my lifetime. I'm gradually whittling away at these spriritual classics and most recently received two of them for Christmas.
Confessions of St. Augustine, which I started devouring immediately, is a recounting of his quest for truth in the early years after the resurrection of Christ, around the year 386. Written in old english, it's refreshingly honest in a poetic way. He openly shares his struggles with sinful, rebellious tendencies which make this reading so easy for the modern day believer to relate to. This little power-house book is quoted as being "one of the most valued books in the whole of Christian literature."
The other book I received,
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen is hailed as a "self-help classic" in which the author declares that we are what we think and that "positive thinking changes our circumstances in constructive ways, as surely as negative thinking brings us down." I've yet to start this pocket-sized volume, but am sure it will be of great inspiration as it has been for so many before me.
If you're curious about the rest of my "must-read" list I've added it below. Go ahead, pick a few for yourself!
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas å Kempis
Life Together by Deitrich Bonhoeffer
The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Andrew
The Little Flowers of St. Francis by Brother Ugolino
Table Talks by Martin Luther
Journal of John WesleyJournal of George FoxA Testament of Devotion by Thomas Kelly
Cost of Discipleship by Deitrich Bonhoeffer
Revelations of Divine Love by Juliana of Norwich
Introduction to the Devout Life by Francis de Sales
Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton
Labels: books
Christmas Day 2007

At 7:30 a.m. I awoke to Benjamin standing over me in my slumber. The excitement in him just beaming! We made our way out to the stockings, waking Andrew and Mollie first. While reveling in our treats from Santa we awaited the arrival of my parents before digging into the gifts around the tree. Once everyone had opened their treasures and cleaned up the wrapping we scooted over to the dining room where we savored our traditional Christmas morning breakfast with Granny & Grampy. As we were cleaning up the dishes I pulled out a gift that was "forgotten" and under a different tree....what could it be??? Yes, Santa got his hands on a Wii for the Kush family! It was quite a surprise and made the kids' day!
The rest of the day was quiet with no dinner guests for the first time for as far back as I can remember. Just the ten of us, me, Dave & the kids, my parents, grandmother and Chris & Penny. Very relaxing and laid back. I will remember this Christmas for years to come. We are truly blessed to have such a loving family who serve the Lord together!
Next year will be quite different, I'm sure, as we'll be adding two more Goeppner's to the mix.... In a few short weeks Dave and I will be traveling with my brother and sister-in-law to a very cold country to bring them home. The celebration isn't over for our family...we're holding out for the boys!
Labels: family
Christ Fellowship Candle Light Christmas Eve Service
As I mentioned in the previous post, our family once again enjoyed going to the annual CF Christmas Eve service at our Royal Palm Campus. This year was no exception to the hard work and thought that goes in to creating something as worshipful and magnificent as in years past. If you're ever in West Palm for Christmas or Easter, these services are not to be missed.
Christ Fellowship knocks it out of the ball park every year. Yeah, maybe I'm a bit biased, but after 13 years with this church family, I think I'm entitled! Here are a few teasers...
Backstage as the worship team prepares for the opener...

Labels: church, family
Monday, December 24th

Christmas Eve started with more baking, cleaning, gift wrapping, and then off to the third of five of the CF Christmas Eve Services. Chris & Penny joined the Kush's and my parents at the 4 p.m. service which was outstanding and worshipful from beginning to end. Always a joy to start off the evening with our CF family!
When the service was over and holiday greetings exchanged with several friends and our a few of our small group family, the Goeppner's and Kush's caravaned their way to Granny & Grampy's house for night three of "Kushnikah."
After a hot delicious meal of mom's best-ever lasagna, we made our way to the living room for stockings and gifts. Lots of exaggerated "oohh"ing and "aaahh"ing could be heard far and wide as we tore into the generous surprises laid before us! Best-loved surprise of the lot??? This year's family 'fruit hat' (too be explained in a later post) - Wii's "Guitar Hero"! Above you can see Mollie & Penny were rockin' out while the rest of us cheer them on. It was great fun and we look forward to some healthy competition on future family nights at Granny & Grampy's house!
Labels: family
Sunday, December 23rd

Sunday I did some cleaning as well as a little baking and before I knew it, we were on our way to Mamaw's house for night two of our own little derivation of the "Festival of Lights". We enjoyed pizza from our own well-loved "Mario the Baker," delicious desserts and again, more gifts.
Being the family photographer tends to leave my image noticeably absent from most holiday snapshots. So I decided to take the opportunity afforded me with such a giant mirror near the festivities, to prove my presence with a little background my grandchildren will believe me when I tell them I am their blood-grandmother!
Labels: family
Saturday, December 22nd

Our Christmas celebration weekend began on Saturday night with a trip to see "National Treasure 2," dinner for nine (Mamaw was home recovering from a cough) at Sonny's Barbeque and ended with dessert and gifts at Chris and Penny's house. The big hit of all the gifts was Benjamin's ginormous, grim-reaper-like sword which he completely lost himself to with imaginary sword-slaying! As usual we had great fun on the first night of our annual "Goeppner-Kushnikah" festival.
Labels: family
Santa Spotted at Calvary Jupiter!

Wednesday night I was "on assignment". My brother, Youth Pastor at
Calvary Chapel, Jupiter, asked me to take pictures at his big multi-church Battle of the Bands Christmas Party hosted by none-other than Santa himself, (or at least a good sport dressed as Santa!).
See here for his take on an amazing event that reached hundreds of kids with the gospel of Christ. I was blessed to be able to witness the efforts of so many who have a passion to reach the lost!
Labels: church, family
I'm Back!

I'm sure I have no need for explanation, but I feel the urge to express my reason for a lack of posting this past week. Notwithstanding the fact that it's the week before Christmas, we've had our dear friends, the Gregory's staying with us (and had a blast, by the way!) and they just left Wednesday morning. That pushed blogging further down on my list of priorities. We were able to go bowling with the kids - who are actually better bowlers than the adults! The grown-ups even had a chance for dinner out at a favorite spot, The River House, one evening. Besides that most of our time was spent staying up late and getting caught up on the events of one another's lives.
We were sad to see them leave, but grateful for the time given us. It's always a joy when our families are together!
Labels: friends
Engagement Photos
Yesterday late-afternoon I was able to do my first engagement photo shoot. The weather was perfect and the couple made it easy for me, as they're cute all on their own! We opted to do them on Palm Beach Island. It's so beautiful there with the palms, rocky bits of shoreline, and old school buildings as a backdrop. The unique sea wall is a favorite of mine as the colors mimic the sunset and clouds so readily found on this world renowned islands' shores.
Below are a few of my favorites I hope you enjoy...

Labels: photography
Company's Coming!

We are very excited today in the Kush household! Our dear friends, the Gregory's, are coming into town tonight and will be staying with us for a few nights. We don't have any special plans other than staying up late, sipping on coffee and catching up on life!
This morning I made my way to Walmart for groceries. I then made a quick stop to drop off a special delivery for a couple of special people who serve us at our Royal Palm campus. While I was there I unloaded some toys our 4-H club had collected for the church's ministry to families in Belle Glade this Christmas.
Now I'm home, the groceries are unpacked and Harry Connick, Jr. is serenading me with some of his special Christmas tunes. It's time to get this house ready for our precious guests!
Labels: friends
Curious Developments in Russia

Many of you who are familiar with our family know that my husband is full-blooded Russian. Although my mother-in-law would dispute that, claiming he is
half Russian with the other
bigger half being Ukrainian. However, Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union even after Dave was born so I stick with full-blooded!
That said, the love of my life having such a heritage has awakened in me great curiosity and interest in the land of his ancestors. I follow the news headlines via BBC, Associated Press and the like to find out the latest reports in the former USSR.
Most recently we've heard of Putin's constitutional obligation to step down after a second term, which will take place in March of '08. His appointed successor, Dmitry Medvedev, was quoted Tuesday on television saying,
"I appeal to [President Putin] with a request to give his agreement in principle to head the Russian government after the election of the new president." To an American this seems to make little sense. Election and appointment are two different things in the States. I'm assuming the election is just a formality to give their government the appearance of some sort of democracy? Interesting...
Today another intriguing story appeared in
BBC headlines.
"Russia has formally suspended its participation in a key arms control agreement dating from the Cold War." What does this mean?
"The suspension means Russia can move troops without notifying Nato.....the foreign ministry in Moscow said Russia had stopped exchanging information stipulated by the treaty and had stopped receiving foreign inspectors." Is it just me? Or do stories like these raise a little concern for you, too?? I know I'll be following developments on these and other events in the region very closely!
Photo courtesy of:
Russian SpyLabels: ponderings
Yet another picture day...
Friday afternoon I set aside some time to do beach pictures for a few staff families at our church. We all met up at
Coral Cove Park on Jupiter Island. This peaceful and alluring spot is the epitome of south Florida beauty that pictures struggle to capture. Three out of the four families have just moved here from various parts of the country so the setting was perfect for this years Christmas cards.
I thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you....

Labels: friends, photography
Hair Cut Revealed...

My daring launch into a brand new hairstyle....whatcha think??? Brave, huh?
Labels: fun pict's
A Few Thoughts...

My cold is still hanging on but I'm feeling much better with each day. Today I actually felt good enough to run for the first time in almost a week. Honestly, I was dreading the repercussions of taking so many days off. In the end it wasn't bad. I felt great and my body didn't seem to realize it had been loafing! I ended up with a 2 1/2 mile run and 20 minutes of weights. Not bad!
I made a Walmart run today and I shuddered at that even more than my aforementioned run! That, too, was easier than expected. Is this my day or what??
I'm in desperate need of a haircut....I think an uncoiffed
year would qualify as desperate for most any woman I would dare ask, don't you? Because of the dreadful state my hair is in I find myself perusing the internet for a new look to present to my hairdresser. I've considered everything from Mariska Hargitay's short bob, to Jessica Simpson's long layered locks. I'll let you know what I land on!
Tomorrow afternoon we're meeting a few families at the beach for a family picture day & picnic. Some of the kids are young so it should be interesting trying to get just the right shot for their Christmas card. No pressure, though.
The kids are pressing through with their schoolwork and I'm trying to keep them motivated. This time of year is tough, whether you're home schooling or your children a attend traditional school, they can't seem to keep their minds on their work (neither can I, for that matter!!).
Outlet Shopping Trip

Mom, Penny, Mollie & I left West Palm on Saturday afternoon around 2:30 and headed for St. Augustine for our first annual girls only holiday shopping trip. The four hour trip ended at Cracker Barrel for dinner and then we checked in to our hotel room and crashed. Or should I say mom and I crashed? Mollie and Penny stayed up and watched a Christmas movie on TV while Joyce & I were quietly dreaming!
My morning started early at 7 a.m. while the others slept. I showered and headed down to the breakfast bar for coffee and a few minutes of study time in my book - Celebration of Discipline (which I am LOVING by the way!). I later made my way back to the room and we loaded up our bags and headed to the first of two outlet malls. We hit the few stores we had scouted out earlier that morning - Bath & Body Works (which had outrageous bargains), Pac Sun, a sports store, and a camping store. We got back in the car had lunch at Sonny's Barbeque and then landed at our final destination - Prime Outlets.
We spent about three and a half hours prowling the sidewalks of this outdoor mega-mall and meandering through the many stores that appealed to each of us - Aeropostal, Gap, Banana Republic, Yankee Candle, Coach (if you're into designer bags, this store was insane - $100 for a $200 bag, etc!!!), Gymboree and many more favorites. We all managed to cross a number of items off of our Christmas shopping lists and left well satisfied. By 4:30 we were done!
We piled our packages into mom's Tahoe and started for home. Our final stop before the last leg of the trip was at Olive Garden where we enjoyed soup and salad and even some delicious apple bread pudding dessert & coffee. We had a lot of side-splitting laughs and were able to relax and totally escape from the world for about 36 hours! It was good medicine and I look forward to many more trips like these with my three favorite girls in the world!
Home Coming Shower!
Last night was Chris and Penny's long awaited Home Coming Shower for Roman and Jadon. Hosted by the generous Reback family and organized by dear, sweet Nancy, it was an over-the-top celebration that will not soon be forgotten by those in attendance! I venture to say there were near 100 present from beginning to end. Below are a few photos for those who were unable for various reasons to take part in the festivities....

Labels: adoption, family