Ben's Room

I'm 99% finished with the little guys' bedroom and I thought I show you a few shots of what we've accomplished in the last week. He loves "Pirates of the Carribean" so we went with a bit of the pirate ship/nautical theme. I reused everything and only added a couple of decorative items (life preserver, buoys, lanterns). Everything else just got a little tweaking with some black spray paint or was left alone. A little over $100, including the wall paint and black spray paint and we were in business. All I need for the icing is some white fish net curtains and to top off the ship on the wall with a dock and maybe some feed bags on the floor. I'd also like to pick up a red body pillow and two side pillows to make the bed look more like a daybed. I'll take pictures of the final product within the next week or two.
Labels: family

My dear friend, Jody, from Orlando, sent me this and I just had to share it with the rest of you moms out there. You WILL appreciate this one! Be sure to go to the bottom of my blog and pause the music before you push play:)
OOPS! Soon after I posted this video from YouTube it was taken off due to copyright infringement. was really good and I'm sad these people don't want to share it with the world. A woman (I don't know who she is) sang along with the William Tell Overture and the lyrics she created were all the things mom's say in a 24 hour period (brush your teeth, go to bed, eat your lunch, etc.) Very cute and I'm sad to see it gone:(
Labels: friends, fun pict's
Tonight's the night!

The long anticipated 2007 season premiere of
The Office has finally arrived! And they're doing it right! The first four episodes will each be an hour-long....I can hardly stand it! What will happen with Ryan now working at Corporate? And will Jim and Pam actually get together after their rollercoaster relationship? And what antics will Michael and Dwight be up to? Oh yeah, and will anyone besides Jim realize the truth about Dwight and Angela? All questions to be answered and many more. Very exciting!
Labels: tv

I'm currently reading a couple of books. One is from a list of books to be used for a women's study I will be assisting Mrs. Duvall with and is somewhat outdated with a 1977 copyright.
Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman is the name of the book and it is authored by Anne Ortland. It's a fairly good read, nothing profound, but still, I'm being challenged by her words.
The second book I'm reading is quickly diverting me from any further perusal of the aforementioned publication, as it is captivating! John Ortberg is a favorite author of mine and his
newest writing confirms my love for his style. I own several of his books and each of them are marked up with underlinings, exclamation points, asterisks and plenty of my own commentary in the margins. This book will be no exception to that tendancy. As with his other texts, I will have this read by the end of tomorrow and begin a second thumb through by next week. He's that good!
Labels: books
Phase 2 Complete!

As you can see by the photo, Phase 2 of 'mission organization' is accomplished. Every toy, knick-knack or gadget my little guy owns now has a place in his closet. I'm in the process of making labels for each basket so he'll more readily avoid putting an item in the wrong place. Unfortunately, I didn't take before pictures of his mess, so it may be a bit more difficult to appreciate this miracle!
For anyone interested in attempting a similar feat, I have
Closet Maid to thank for their sweet invention. It's all in the mounting system. There's one horizontal metal strip that is anchored into the wall. It's on this bar that the vertical metal strips hang which hold the brackets for the shelving. If you go to your local home improvement center with your measurements, someone in the home organization department can cut the shelving to size for you. Once you get the main strip in place you can configure the shelving to your preferences. You can add more later without having to screw anything else into the wall, just add more brackets and shelving to the vertical strip. I love this invention!
Labels: family, gadgets
1st Day of 4-H!

Yesterday was our first 4-H meeting of the year! The group is about half the size of previous years, but it seems a bit more manageable since we are combining all ages (9 and up) for teaching time. In years past we had to divide the students in three teaching groups, which meant three mom's teaching three seperate lessons at the same time in different rooms. Preparation is less complicated and facilities aren't as much of a problem. We are all able to meet at our house!
Julie is our famous curriculum coordinator/teacher & magician! Without her expertise, we would probably just play games and eat!! I handle the administrative element of the club as well as the mom's meetings at the end of our 1 to 4 p.m. schedule while the kids are having a snack and playing outside.
Today I'll head to the 4-H office and drop off our forms and insurance payment for the year. It should be a fun year as we study Florida state history and science. Some field trips we are planning include St. Augustine, Kennedy Space Center, Lion Country Safari and Henry Flagler museum. Very exciting!
Labels: home schooling
Big Day!

Tomorrow's the big day for the love of my life....Supa Dave! He's hitting the half-way mark by celebrating 40 years on this planet. Many of those years have been spent serving God in a variety of capacities. From teaching high school boys Sunday school classes, to coaching new parents and now organizing and managing our church's multi-million dollar construction project. Whew!
He's a true inspiration to me, his biggest fan, and admired & respected by many in the community. I stand in awe as, through the years, he grows and develops into "a man after God's heart," a fully devoted follower of Christ. I couldn't be more proud of the father of my children and the example he has set for them! Here's to forty more years of loving God and serving others!
Labels: family
We did it!

I think every mom out there can identify with me when I say that my stomach does a flip flop whenever our twice yearly visit to the dentist for the ever-delightful teeth cleaning comes around. How many times have you left the office feeling like the worst mom on the planet because the hygenist found a mouthful of cavities and mounds of plaque to boot! After a "tsk, tsk" and a shake of the finger in junior's direction but actually intended for me, I always walk out with my tail between my legs.
This time, however, was different! I am proud to announce that the four in our family that went for cleanings this week all received excellent reports.....NO CAVITIES!!! Yes, that includes the 9-year-old sugar freak whose toothbrush sees the light of day 2-3 times a week if it's lucky. Miracle of miracles!! Let's see if we can pull this off again in 6 months...
Labels: family
Phase One Complete...

You'll remember I recently published a post about my 9-year-old boys' bedroom and the critical need to organize it. There were some interesting comments from you readers. I especially liked the chatter about using a hand grenade to clear things out and then creating a jail cell motif to accomodate my need for simplicity. Of course, only a man could devise a plan such as's are generally too 'soft' (I was thinking blow torch)! However, this creative banter sparked an idea in my circuitry.
Although, for obvious reasons, a tangible grenade scenario wouldn't work, I had the second best option right in my back pocket! Secret weapon numero uno, Mrs. Duvall! She can clean out any mess, of any size or shape in mere minutes. I've never seen anything like it!
So we began our project first thing this morning after a quick cup of diesel & a blueberry muffin. Phase one is complete....the 'grenade' obliterated what was once a stockpile of trinkets, knicknacks, gadgets and gizmos. There is now order where there was once chaos; it is stripped and sanitized, ready for fresh paint. Stay tuned for Phase 2!
Labels: friends, ponderings

This was an unusual weekend for our family. Instead of following our normal routine of going to
CF, our home church, we had the opportunity to go to
Calvary Chapel Jupiter to hear my baby brother preach. It's been a few years since we've had the freedom to do such a thing so it was a real treat. He's a gifted preacher and it's extraordinary to see him growing before our eyes in the wisdom of the Lord.
Below is the breakdown of his message according to my notes. Take some time to look up the scriptures, they are appropriately befitting the topic and the ones I have in quotes are only excerpts.
God’s word gives us specific instruction:
My role –
Pray - James 1:5 "if any lack wisdom (supernatural insight), ask of God"
Submit (to His will) - Psalm 40:8 – "I desire/need, to do your will"
Trust (God's word) - 2 Tim 3:16, 17 – "all scripture is useful"
Seek (counsel) - Prov 15:22 – plans fail for lack of counsel)
God’s role-
Provide direction - Psalm 4:11-13 – "I guide you in the way
of wisdom, your steps won’t be hampered"
Questions to ask myself:
Would it honor God? 1 Cor10:13, Eph 4:30, Jn. 2:15-17
Would it honor my family? Eph 6:23, Deut 5:16
How will it affect others? Rom 14:21, Matt 18:6-7, Rom 2:8
Labels: family
Check this out!

adoption blog I frequent has this
link posted on it. I was amazed and just had to share it with my blogging friends. If you have a toddler or a young child who's not a great swimmer yet, it's a must see.
Labels: fun facts
Our loving God...

I've been in a "spot" for some time now in which I can't seem to pull myself out of. It's a grueling place of spiritual lethargy of which resembles the feeling of quicksand sucking you down into it's lifefless pit. I realize I'm being eerily transparent to the point of making some uncomfortable, however I believe any attempt to disguise my true standing would only deter my recovery from this woeful state. There is a point to my candor....God cares.
I was given a
book yesterday by someone who, in so doing, unknowingly threw me a life line. It was no concerned friend seeking a remedy for my plight, just a kind christian woman who happened to have been given a duplicate copy of said book and passed it along to my husband who in turn handed it to me at the dinner table last night.
God at times uses unwitting participants to show us He cares. When at times I find myself lavished by HIm in this way I should not be surprised; only revel in it.
Labels: ponderings
Help Me!!

How does one go about organizing a 9-year-old boys bedroom?? I know I've done this before, I'm sure of it....somewhere in my distant memories there's a vague recollection. Maybe that's why I'm resistant. It IS as bad as I think it will be. I just don't know if I have the gumption to see this through. I'd prefer some lighter fluid and a book of matches...better yet, a blow torch!
Labels: ponderings
Another great reason to homeschool...

According to fifth-graders at a Maryland elementary school who thought they were about to watch "Star Wars" on DVD, were actually shown a glimpse of a pornographic movie. The students' music teacher placed the DVD in the laptop and instead of the aforementioned movie, the projector displayed two naked adults on the screen! The scene was frozen for the entire class for about 10 seconds before the projector was turned off. An obvious question: Why were they watching a movie to begin with? School just started and the teacher has nothing to teach?? Oh, yeah, another question - pornography?? God save the children!
Labels: home schooling

I've been homeschooling my three children for eight years now. I'm shocked at that number even as I type it, as I still feel like a novice! However, I am noticing that as more and more families are choosing to home school, more and more mom's are coming to me for advice. I guess in their eyes I would be considered semi-pro at this by now?! I sure don't feel I have much to offer, but as I consider their queries I am forced to reflect on what I've learned over the past several years.
Three things I know for sure must be assessed before committing to this responsibility: 1. Adding homeschooling is adding another ball to the mix of those in the air many things can you juggle without dropping one? Does something else have to go? 2. It is an act of I willing to give up, without resentment, my job, shopping/having coffee with girlfriends, having a tidy house and any other number of things I enjoy? 3. It's a matter of can't lose sight of the reason you're choosing to bring your children home. Every family has different reasons; decide what yours is and stick with it. When you get discouraged (and you will!), cling to your purpose without wavering.
So tonight I'll be gathering two groups of women for the purpose of creating a connection. The first group has just begun their home schooling journey. The second, has been at it for various numbers of years. Once you find out you're not alone in your quest to educate your children, you gain some assurance that it can be done and you have support. Two key realizations that can set you on your way to a successful homeschool adventure!
Labels: home schooling
Photographic Tour - Day Three
Finally, our reason for making the trip to begin aunt and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary. Many of my extended family I hadn't seen for up to 13 years! It was a sweet gathering of generations of Monroe's. And the party was great fun with my crazy relations dancing and laughing the afternoon away! Can't wait to do it right with the rest of the family joining us for a giant family reunion that's long overdue. Once Chris and Penny's children are home and settled, we can start planning!

Labels: family, vacation
Photographic Tour - Day Two
Day two started with an early morning run through the heavily wooded hills of Barrington. The crisp, cool air made the fact that my legs were not used to running up hills considerably easier to bear. A cup of coffee and some home made waffles for breakfast and we were out the door for more sight-seeing.
Our first stop was the cemetery where my grandparents are buried. We took some flowers and placed them next to the headstone, mournfully reflecting on the heartwarming memories of the past.
Just up the street from the age old graveyard is the
University of New Hampshire in the town of Durham where my mother and her family grew up. It's a beautiful college town full of old buildings and winding tree-lined streets, the epitomy of New England, even proudly displaying and old white church at the top of a hill. We had a yummy lunch at the Durham Dairy Bar, reveling in the atmosphere of the old train station. Another stop in town found us on Main Street. After making our souvenir purchases at the local vendor we piled into the car once more for our next short journey a little north and east to York, Maine. Here we took in the beautiful ocean view sights of Long Sands Beach and
Nubble Light, a well-recognized American historical landmark.
A little further up the coast you'll find Short Sands Beach and
The Goldenrod Kisses famous for their made on sight saltwater taffy. Of course we had to purchase a couple of pounds of the chewy sweet stuff! Some of our favorite flavors - molasses-peppermint, peanut butter, spearmint, and plain molasses. You can order some from the link above and get and assorted pack to find out for yourself which one is your favorite!
We couldn't leave the New England beach without dipping our toes in the icy Atlantic waters. Yes, they are icy as you can see by the way Mollie and I are bracing for the next lap of cold on our ankles! And yes, crazy New Englanders do swim in it for enjoyment!
Our next destination was Dover, N.H. We first went to the renowned
Red's Shoe Barn where my dad inevitably found another pair of New Balance tennis shoes to take home with him. It's another New England tradition we've enjoyed for years!
A quick side stop was a drive by my old high school -
Dover High School and the Greenwave! Definitely "old school"!
Last stop of the day -
The Weathervane Restaurant where I savored a delicious 1 1/2 pound steamed lobster! It was better than candy! And right across the parking lot - Golicks Dairy Bar. Kid-sized ice cream in New Hampshire is like super size in Florida! And it's freshly made by local dairy farms - jealous yet?? They have unusual flavors like butter crunch, peppermint and my personal favorite - grapenut. Nothing like it!

Labels: family, vacation
Photographic Tour, as Promised! - Day One
We arrived in Manchester, New Hampshire at 11:30 a.m., a little groggy, but none the worse for wear! Our plan was to immediately make our way to the White Mountains, but first things first - lunch! We ate at a little place in
Concord, the capital of New Hampshire and home of one of my first jobs - medical transcriptionist at the State Hospital! I attacked my scallops with gusto and was ready to roll! Here's what we saw...Mollie & I taking in he beautiful vista of Franconia Notch, not to be missed!A 50 mile per hour drive-by of
The Mount Washington Hotel Resort at the base of the tallest mountain in the Eastern United States (socked in as usual!)We continued on our trip and arrived in North Conway to enjoy an ice cream, a cup of coffee and pick up a Harley shirt for my dad. Our last stop was in Durham for a slice of pizza from WildCat Pizza and the day ended well as we pulled into the driveway at my Aunt and Uncle's home in Barrington. After enjoying another hot cup of coffee and some fresh berry crisp topped with whipped cream, we washed up and curled into bed exhausted.

Labels: family, vacation
Up, up and away!

Our plane departs for New Hampshire tomorrow morning at 7 a.m.! Supa Dave will taxi me, Mollie and my parents to PBIA before the sun rises and we'll be up, up and away, arriving in
Manchester at 11 a.m. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and collect some fun stories to share while enjoying New England for a few short days. I'll post a photographic tour of our visit when we return on Sunday!
Labels: family, vacation
Today's Happenings...

Today was a typical homeschool day. I saw my wonderful husband (aka "Supa Dave") off to work after enjoying a cup of coffee together. I jumped into my running attire and headed out for a jog around the block and, after catching my breath, man-handled the weights in our garage (okay, maybe I didn't man-handle them, but I gave it my best!).
I finished spreading the three bags of mulch left over from the twenty purchased on Sunday, pulled some weeds, swept the front porch and driveway, and shooed a snake off of the front door matt. Finally, I showered, dressed in my "mom-clothes" and rallied the kids together for school. This is not an easy feat after a normal weekend, nevermind a three-day weekend!
Once my students were engrossed in their studies, I allowed myself a few minutes to attack the pile of stink growing in my laundry room. Between explaining to my 9-year-old how to borrow from the hundreds place and letting the dog out to pee, I dusted the furniture and neatly folded the clean, warm laundry from the dryer.
We broke from our tasks for a lunch of corn dogs and pringles and then back to folding more laundry and taking a spelling quiz. Then it was time to pull out the ingredients for supper.
So here I am revealing my extraordinary day to my blogging audience as I wait for the rice to finish cooking so my 15 year old can fill his stomach before we load into the car and drive into town for his weekly Sea Cadets muster. All in a day's work!
Cartoon courtesy of:
gomommygo.comLabels: family, home schooling, ponderings
Labor Day

Fun fact:
Wikipedia states that "Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday in September. The holiday began in 1882, originating from a desire by the Central Labor Union to create a day off for the "working man". It is still celebrated mainly as a day of rest and marks the symbolic end of summer for many. Labor Day became a federal holiday by Act of Congress in 1894." I believe our thanks is due to the Central Labor Union for the many long weekends we've enjoyed over the past 100+ years!
Today we enjoyed a fish fry with our Duvall family friends, just relaxing and enjoying quiet conversation and a new card game. Oh, and of course we had dessert - home made coconut cream pie and chocolate cream pie, yum! Later we headed over to my parents for a visit with them and Chris & Penny, and made it home just a little while ago. All in all it was a most pleasurable and restful weekend. What did you do over your long weekend?
Labels: friends, fun facts
Adoption Update

My brother, Chris and his wife, Penny, are facing yet another road block on this now 2-year journey of adopting two children from Russia. It's seems like this whole process has just been one heartache after another.
Click here to read up on their most recent snag. And please, continue to pray for them.
Chris and Penny - cling to God's promise: "Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy." Psalm 126:5
Labels: adoption, family
Another Goodbye...

Last night we said good-bye to yet another family we love. Matt and Kadi Cole and their son Ethan (front middle of photo) are moving to Ohio to take care of Matt's young, beautiful, ailing mother. She was diagnosed with cancer over a year and a half ago and didn't respond to the treatment as they had hoped . Kadi has a nursing background so she and Matt are actually moving in with his parents to care for her.
They will be missed, as they have been an integral part of our
church leadership and staff over the past several years. Please pray with us as they minister to their family over the next difficult months.
Labels: friends