Our loving God...

I've been in a "spot" for some time now in which I can't seem to pull myself out of. It's a grueling place of spiritual lethargy of which resembles the feeling of quicksand sucking you down into it's lifefless pit. I realize I'm being eerily transparent to the point of making some uncomfortable, however I believe any attempt to disguise my true standing would only deter my recovery from this woeful state. There is a point to my candor....God cares.
I was given a book yesterday by someone who, in so doing, unknowingly threw me a life line. It was no concerned friend seeking a remedy for my plight, just a kind christian woman who happened to have been given a duplicate copy of said book and passed it along to my husband who in turn handed it to me at the dinner table last night.
God at times uses unwitting participants to show us He cares. When at times I find myself lavished by HIm in this way I should not be surprised; only revel in it.
Labels: ponderings
Your transparency is what makes this blog real.... and what really ministers to others. The best preachers I know are REAL. I think we all assume things are different behind the closed doors of others' homes. Truth is, we all struggle with God, each other and our own flesh. The enemy wants us to feel isolated and like a failure. It helps to be real before our kids too and admit our struggles to the extent they can handle it. Then, when they face the same thing.. and they will someday.... they will be encouraged. I am struggling in many areas of my life right now. I feel like a fraud too when others look on and comment that they don't know how I do it all and how much they admire me... oh, if they only knew! Ever feel that way? I appreciate your post today, Beth... don't feel so alone in my own struggles.
thanks for your encouragement! words from friends like you are what keeps this blogging thing so amazingly cool and helpful to my state of mind:)
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