Today's Happenings...

Today was a typical homeschool day. I saw my wonderful husband (aka "Supa Dave") off to work after enjoying a cup of coffee together. I jumped into my running attire and headed out for a jog around the block and, after catching my breath, man-handled the weights in our garage (okay, maybe I didn't man-handle them, but I gave it my best!).
I finished spreading the three bags of mulch left over from the twenty purchased on Sunday, pulled some weeds, swept the front porch and driveway, and shooed a snake off of the front door matt. Finally, I showered, dressed in my "mom-clothes" and rallied the kids together for school. This is not an easy feat after a normal weekend, nevermind a three-day weekend!
Once my students were engrossed in their studies, I allowed myself a few minutes to attack the pile of stink growing in my laundry room. Between explaining to my 9-year-old how to borrow from the hundreds place and letting the dog out to pee, I dusted the furniture and neatly folded the clean, warm laundry from the dryer.
We broke from our tasks for a lunch of corn dogs and pringles and then back to folding more laundry and taking a spelling quiz. Then it was time to pull out the ingredients for supper.
So here I am revealing my extraordinary day to my blogging audience as I wait for the rice to finish cooking so my 15 year old can fill his stomach before we load into the car and drive into town for his weekly Sea Cadets muster. All in a day's work!
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Labels: family, home schooling, ponderings
Thanks for bursting my bubble about the joys of being a home school mom! Nice reality check....
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