Mac or PC?

We're in a dilemma as a home school family. I have three children that will be doing all or part of their schooling this fall on our two Mac desktop computers. Add to that my need for computer time and there's potential for a great deal of frustration. Dave and I are currently investigating our options. Presently we are devoted Mac users, but two of the curriculum programs we have for two of our children can only run on Windows. Here's our we purchase another Mac notebook or desktop, having Windows installed on it, or do we just go with the cheaper alternative and cave into a PC? I'll be honest, I'm not feeling the PC! But I'm not thrilled about the cost of a Mac. We've recently been given a third option with friends giving us their old E Mac in need of a new motherboard for $400. Reasonably speaking we could have a new motherboard installed and purchase a PC laptop and possibly end up with two computers for the price of one Mac notebook. Do you see the quandry we're in?? Seriously, I'd really like to take the money we'd spend on yet another computer and redecorate my bedroom!
Labels: ponderings
I say re-decorate your bedroom cause if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy.
I'd love for you to be able to decorate your bedroom but you are going to HATE having a PC. Give it some time, maybe the Lord will provide another option.
i cant believe that your in a quandry. you MUST go with the right machine. you will end up replacing the pc next year any way.
im disappointed, quandry, schmondry.
I like the two for the price of one idea PLUS I'd get my room redecorated too, if I could talk my husband into it. :)
Hi Bethany, I just figured out how to get my own blog going. I've been reading yours a lot and you have inspired me. Hope everything is great! Love Ya, Kim Konuch
Hey Kim, I just got your email this morning and read your blog...congratulations! What a fun way to stay in touch! Look forward to many more of your posts!!
I'm assuming the anonymous comments are coming from women...girl power!!! stay tuned for further developments on this "dilemma"...we have a pretty amazing possibility to tell you about once we are definite it will work....
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