It's just a season!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..."
Due to the hectic nature of this week, this will probably be the last of my posts until the weekend or as late as Monday. Here's a view into my world these days....
Monday started out normal - early morning devotions, a good run and workout, laundry and winding down on purging Andrew's room/rearranging it for a fresh new look when he returns from boot camp this weekend. I was somewhat prepared for Tuesday, as I knew my brother was having knee surgery and I would be in prayer and constant contact with my mom on his condition. My job that day was to make snickerdoodles, Chris' one request, and a chicken pot pie to take over later. All was fine until I received a phone call from a friend that her husband had a spill on his motorcycle. She needed me to watch her 3 year old little boy and a little girl she was keeping for the day so she could meet the ambulance with her husband at the hospital. So I was on pins and needles all day waiting for updates on not only my brother, but my girlfriends husband, who by the way has some road rash and major bruising on his whole one side, but made it without any serious injuries. I ended up making the chicken pot pie, but not for my brother...I sent it home with Kadi to feed her very medicated and bruised husband.
Today started at 6:30 with a quick one-mile run, shower and drive down to Lake Worth to take my daughter and three friends to the PBCC Youth College classes they're taking this summer. I then had a return at Walmart and a little shopping for more pot pie ingredients, etc. Thankfully my dear friend, Lisa, picked the kids up from classes and kept mine for the day so I could take care of my brother and start getting ready for our trip tomorrow morning to pick up my son at boot camp. Whew!!
So there ya have it! Maybe a little more information than most of the world is interested in and probably less exciting than many of yours, but that's my life this week, and it's not over yet! I guess there's an ebb and flow to our years here on earth, some times we're burning the candle at both ends and other times, we find ouselves in a bit of a restful setting. Whatever state I find myself in I find that God continues to show His great mercy and loving kindness time and again, and I am ever thankful!
Labels: ponderings
...and the snickerdoodles are fantastic!
I guess we'll have to come to Florida to get those snickerdoodles... My nephew did the same thing with his bike this week. Must be something in the air. Shannon also broke a bone in her ankle. First broken bone any of my kids have ever had! So I know what you mean about ebb and flow.
Glad you liked the cookies, Chris!
So glad you're blogging, Kim....I've enjoyed getting up to date on your kids and family. Looking forward to more...
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