Friday, June 15, 2007

Community Service Project

Several months ago our small group family joined in a church wide bible study called "40 Days of Community" created by Rick Warren's, Saddleback Church. Worked into the curriculum was a challenge to small groups to reach out to their community by meeting needs of those less fortunate or facing difficult circumstances.

Through one of our small group members we were introduced to a local family faced with serious health, financial and living circumstances. We were all shocked that our very own neighbors, surrounded by the wealth that Palm Beach County is known for, are forced to live in such appalling conditions while no one even notices. This family of a debilitated, bedridden grandfather, grandmother and three adopted grandchildren ages 15 and up has been dealt their share of hard times. Their home was badly beaten during Hurricanes Wilma and Frances and then they were taken advantage of by the roofers who ran out of town with their money, never even starting the job they were paid to do. Now they have plexiglass screwed into the window openings where the hurricanes blew out the jalousies, and pots and pans placed strategically throughout the house to catch the water leaks dripping through the ceiling when it rains. The kids tried to do what they could, but it's nowhere near sufficient.

In the midst of applying for the proper work permits we've been able to help the family in miscellaneous ways. We took meals and bottled water (their water is contaminated!), did heavy yard work and even made time for a visit to encourage them. It's been a blessing getting to know them all.

After many weeks of waiting to receive the various permits, we are finally able to begin some necessary structural work to prepare for a new roof. Thanks to God and a friend who happens to be a contractor, tomorrow we will be taking down the ceiling in the living room of this 1200 sq. ft. home to replace the main roof beam. Once this job is complete we can begin some electrical work and replace the roof. I'm sure we'll be spending many Saturdays this summer trying to stay ahead of any hurricanes that may blow in our direction.

Through this process it is our prayer that this family will feel loved and cared for not only by the people who have sacrificed their time and resources for them, but by the God of the universe who created them and wants a relationship with them.



At June 21, 2007 at 7:24 PM , Blogger Bryonm said...

great post!


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