I'm thrilled! Our Student Ministries department at Christ Fellowship has finally jumped on the web-wagon! They've launched their official
Student Blog. I'll be watching and waiting to see what creative lengths they will go to as they reach out to students through the world-wide web.
Labels: church, ministry
Be Holy, for I am Holy...

There's a theme running in my life lately. Over the past few weeks, it seems God keeps speaking to me through people, books, sermons and a variety of other means and His message is consistently the same. Be holy. How's that for a little conviction?
Tim Challies book, which I did my last post on, got this whole thing started. You can't have discernment if your not immersed in the Word, very familiar with it and practicing this discipline daily. You can't be in God's Word without the Holy Spirit convicting you to be sanctified, set apart, above reproach, holy.
Several little encounters over the past weeks have added to my conviction. Conversations with friends & family, either in passing or in a small group setting, have continually managed to wind up on the topic of holiness.
The icing on the cake for me was this weekend when our pastor, in his series
Wisdom for Life, gave a stirring & passionate message on evil. We are challenged in the Psalms (101:3) when David commits to "set no vile thing before my eyes." That tells me we must be intentional about what shows we watch, websites we browse, what magazines & books we read and so on.
We live in a culture that has been worn away by the devils perversion. His schemes are enticing and easily excused by the pervasive "to each his own" mentality. Am I excusing any behaviors that might not be honoring to God. I hope not.
My prayer, like David's, is for God to search me and show me if there is any wicked way in me. But along with that prayer must come action. What will that action be? In the weeks to come I'll be sharing with you some of the steps we plan to take as a family to guard our home against the infiltration of evil.
A Plug for Tim Challies

I just finished reading an amazing book, "The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment" by
Tim Challies, famed blogger and now author. I have a link in my sidebar to both his blog and his book. I thought I'd take the opportunity, not to review the book, but to share a bit of the impact it had on me, so here goes!
Throughout the book, Mr. Challies compares detecting counterfeit money to spiritual discernment. I guess in Canada they've actually instructed their citizens on the method of "touch, tilt, look at, look through" for a way of discerning counterfeit money. According to Challies, as in detecting counterfeit money, when we are faced with a doctrine or teaching it is our responsibility to examine it thoroughly before accepting it. Once we accept it we are responsible for it. There's no "free pass" for ignorance! Just as if you were to ignorantly try to pass off a counterfeit bill, you would not be above the law just because you didn't know--it's your responsibility to know. You would be prosecuted! I am liable for my words and teaching, I need to know what's true and what's false. I am to measure everything against God's word, the Bible, as John 17:17b says, "Your word is truth."
In order to have his readers start the book on common ground, the author breaks down the meaning of the word "discernment". Here's his definition:
"The skill of understanding and applying God's Word with the purpose of separating truth from error and right from wrong." Spinning off of that definition, we realize that when we are practicing discernment we are basically "testing all things" (I Thess. 5:21, 22). But according to Matthew 7:1-5 Jesus tells us not to judge. These two verses seem to contradict, but we know that the Bible does not contradict. Challies goes on to clear things up by stating that according to the Bible there are times when we are allowed to and should judge and times when we are not allowed to and should not judge.
I love how he breaks this down! According the word of God the matters we are not to judge include motives, personal piety, and the conscience in matters where Scripture is silent. (1 Cor. 4:3-7; Rom. 14:1-4) The things we should judge/test include teaching, prophecy, spirits, leaders, other believers, the times, ourselves (Acts 17:11; 1 Thess. 5:20-21; 1 John 4:1; 1 Tim. 3:10; 2 Cor. 8:22; Luke 12:56). So concise and practical! I can easily apply this instruction as a church lay-leader.
The last thing I want to share that left a huge impact on me is in regards to prioritizing our efforts in discerning. This is a great and practical way to measure issues according to importance.
The breakdown comes from Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He "proposes three levels of theological urgency" in discerning. First level issues include doctrines of the Trinity, atonement, the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, justification by faith alone, and the authority of Scripture. To deny any of these is to deny the fundamentals of the Christian faith. These are non-negotiable!
Second level issues are "doctrines that believers may disagree on but which still represent important issues and will form significant boundaries between Christians." These are often the issues that define denominations. I need to decide which of my boundaries are unmovable and hold to my convictions unless the Spirit, not man, releases me from them.
Third level issues include those things that Believers may disagree over but still allow close fellowship, even attending the same church. In other words, we've all got our own opinions and ideas....we don't need to die on every hill! Let it go!
Basically, by using this format to prioritize, we are prevented being distracted by smaller issues and able to focus on the more foundational matters in question. It's a great way to simplify and focus. Or as our Pastor says, "Keep the main thing the main thing!"
This book is packed with meaty truth, so picking just a couple of items from it that impacted me was tough. I decided to land on the bits that were most practical. I would encourage you to get your hands on a copy of this powerhouse book and give it a whirl. It's not a quick read. It needs some time for digestion, but you'll be glad in the end that you took your time with it.
Labels: book
I've been archived!
My clustermaps sidebar tracker has been archived. As you can see below, the hits over the past year have totaled almost 9,000! I know that's not a lot compared to the many 'blog stars' out there, but I think it's pretty cool.
So now I start over with a clean map. Over the past 11 days I've had 143 hits from across the globe. Maybe I can pull in 10,000 hits this year....we'll see!

Labels: fun facts
Dobson on Presidential Candidates

Click on this
link to hear an important discussion on the candidates by Dr. James Dobson and Dr. Albert Mohler. Please listen all the way through. Discussions like these will help us become educated voters, which I believe, is our responsibility as citizens of this great country.
Labels: politics
Summer Guests

I guess living in Florida, a top tourist destination, kicks up the odds for a steady flow of visitors each year. This year we've had a few in and out guests. Most recently Dave's cousin and his family, from Indiana, scooted in to town for a few days. They were vacationing near us and took a few days to set aside and spend with our family. The kids are similar in age and we all had a great time reconnecting. Our last visit was six years ago, so we certainly had a lot of catching up to do! We took in the beach at Dubois Park in Jupiter, gluttonously devoured dinner at Cheesecake Factory in City Place, took the kids to see a movie, played a long game of Risk, enjoyed a worship service together and spent lots of time talking. The fact that we all share the same commitment to Christ makes the time together that much sweeter!
What about you? Do you have many opportunities to host out of town family & friends? What kinds of things do you do together when you have guests?
Labels: family
More Politics...

Recently I sent a letter to our State Senators regarding gas prices and offshore drilling. The letter was sent via a well-known conservative organization which keeps me in the loop on important issues. Here's the response I received from Senator Nelson:
Dear Mrs. Kush:
Thank you for contacting me about drilling for oil off Florida and other coastal States.
The oil industry has 32 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico that are leased but have not been drilled. Why?
President Bush has proposed allowing drilling rigs off coastal States as a way, he says, to reduce gasoline prices. But he must know this won't happen. That's because a report from inside the Bush administration specifically shows that increasing offshore drilling won't have a significant impact on gas prices for decades.
And we simply cannot wait that long on the hope of giving Americans some relief at the pump.
To lower gas prices now by an estimated 25 to 50 percent, we must reign in the real culprits: speculators who are able, because of legal loopholes, to bid up the price of oil to unrealistic and shocking highs. Oil now costs about $140 per barrel, but recent congressional testimony from a leading industry executive showed that the price of crude should only be $55 per barrel given the laws of supply and demand. That means gas prices should be about $2.28 a gallon-- not more than $4.
This is why I have introduced legislation-- S. 3134-- that would ban unregulated speculative trading in oil futures. If Congress will pass this bill, we can bring gas prices back down to earth.
The oil companies claim loudly that they need to drill off the coast of Florida so they can increase the oil supply. But what they won't tell you is that they aren't drilling on 32 million of acres they already have under lease from the Federal government. I think they should drill there first-- in areas where the infrastructure for transporting oil already exists-- before demanding more areas be open to leasing and drilling activities that could take years to produce a single drop of oil.
Americans are being gouged, and now is not the time to allow the administration to give away the store before it leaves office. It's time to do what's really necessary to lower the price of gas: reign in profiteers and speculators. I hope you will be able to support passage of S. 3134. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office again.One phrase set me off! Can you guess which one it was? "I think..." In my opinion, that's not what our senators are elected to do! Well, to a certain degree, yes, but it seems many of them actually "think" they know better than the people and make decisions on our behalf without considering what the majority actually wants. Below is my response. I'll let you know if I hear from his office again.
Dear Senator Nelson,
I appreciate your response to my recent letter regarding offshore drilling. I also recognize that everyone is entitled to an opinion. However, as an elected official, it is not your job to do what you "think is right", as you stated in your response to me. It is your responsibility to do what the people want. So many times I feel as though congressman like yourself have lost sight of the fact that this is a nation "of the people, by the people and for the people". As per the constitution, Americans were intended to elect representatives, not proprietors. Please keep this in mind as you cast your next senatorial vote on offshore drilling or other important matters to the American People you were elected to represent.
Best Regards,
Bethany Kush
Labels: politics
Presidential thoughts...

Not many to share, but here goes....
Belief is my number one strength in the Strengths Finder test. That said, I've always been a die-hard patriot and never missed a vote. Even the little local ones!
However, that may change in the realm of presidential elections this year. I'm not interested in either candidate! One is a lifetime congressman---yeah, I'd trust him! The other, well, what can I say? There are a litany of reasons I wouldn't vote for him let alone the fact that his entire name is anti-American! What will I do? Should I write in someone? I'm thinking Anne Coulter, maybe? Yeah, I'm sure she'd give congress a run for their money! Go Anne!
artworkLabels: politics, ponderings
Bottled Thoughts....

Many times when I'm writing posts for this, what I consider my online journal, I forget that people actually read it. I intended for this to be a way for faraway friends and family to keep up with the goings on of our family. It's turned into much more than that.
Blogging is where I, yes, share my life with others, but I'm able also to share my hobbies (photography), ministry, opinions and deepest thoughts. I tend to most often land with 'surface' topics, as my nature is to be privately introspective. However, on occasion, I'll bear my soul. Those occasions have become less and less frequent and I'm not absolutely sure why. Could it be that my heart is overflowing with so many burdens and contemplations that I don't know where to begin? Perhaps....
Starting today, I'm breaking the silence on such matters of my heart. I hate tying myself down, publicly committing to something, but I believe it's time to stretch myself and do just that. I've decided that once a week I will post a burden or thought that's presently harassing me. If for no other reason, to symbolically lay it down, let it go, give it to God. So stay tuned, if you're at all interested, for the first of my weekly "Bottled Thoughts". Comments will be gladly received....please don't hold back!
Labels: blogging
Oh, the things we'll do...

Jadon's birthday was spent with the family at a beautiful beach-side hotel with an amazing swimming pool for the kids. The slide was the highlight for Roman and he easily talked me in to taking him down it a few times. Even Grampy got in on the action!
Labels: family, fun pict's
Jadon turns TWO!
This picture epitomizes little JJ's personality! Both boys were playing on the trampoline and I was clicking away when he decided to run at me and jump into my arms. I managed to click this shot just before I dropped the camera and grabbed him!
My eyes well up as I type these words....I can't imagine life without this vivacious and extraordinary baby boy. He's got a chunk of my heart I never thought I could give away (his brother has another big chunk of it!). So, my little nephew, Happy Birthday from Totya. You are the bomb, my little man-child!

Labels: family, fun pict's
Be Afraid....
As I've mentioned in earlier posts, all three of my children are away for the week. Mollie is at a christian camp in Tennessee with one of her best friends, Rae-Rae. Throughout the week the camp has been posting pictures of the kids and their adventures. Below are a couple of photos of Mollie - one with a new friend and the other with Rae. Dave and I agree, and suspect her brothers will when they see these shots, that we will all steer clear of sister if she ever happens upon a paintball gun in our presence. I'm sure she gave more than a few campers a run for their money in these games! Notice the evil twinkle in her eye?

Labels: family
What I've been up to.....
Due to the fact that all three of my children are away for various reasons this week, I decided to take the opportunity to do a little painting around the house. We've lived in our home for almost 10 years now and the master bedroom, bathroom and t.v. room have not been painted since we first moved in. I think every other room in the house has been done and redone several times, but these rooms have been left sadly neglected.
Summertime is not the time I like to do projects this size, perhaps out of guilt that we should be doing something fun as a family. So while the kids are gone, I'm getting all of my projects in so that when they return we can fully enjoy the rest of their break from school work.
Unfortunately, I have no before pictures, but the difference is so vast in these rooms that the previous conditions of each of them are forever etched in my mind! I've yet to complete the bathroom, but it will be wrapped up by the weekend, I promise, and photos will follow.
So here's photo-proof of what I"ve been up to....and yes, I'm exhausted!

Labels: fun pict's, projects
Happy Independence Day!

We had a fabulous day celebrating our country's heritage with the whole family and a few close friends. Dave's dad made a surprise visit, making for an even more memorable weekend. What made the day momentous, however, was the fact that it was another first for Roman and Jadon - their very first observance of Independence Day as American Citizens! I couldn't resist the urge to shoot them (with my camera, of course) in their matching patriotic outfits on their Radio Flyer bikes.
Labels: family, photography