Be Holy, for I am Holy...

There's a theme running in my life lately. Over the past few weeks, it seems God keeps speaking to me through people, books, sermons and a variety of other means and His message is consistently the same. Be holy. How's that for a little conviction?
Tim Challies book, which I did my last post on, got this whole thing started. You can't have discernment if your not immersed in the Word, very familiar with it and practicing this discipline daily. You can't be in God's Word without the Holy Spirit convicting you to be sanctified, set apart, above reproach, holy.
Several little encounters over the past weeks have added to my conviction. Conversations with friends & family, either in passing or in a small group setting, have continually managed to wind up on the topic of holiness.
The icing on the cake for me was this weekend when our pastor, in his series Wisdom for Life, gave a stirring & passionate message on evil. We are challenged in the Psalms (101:3) when David commits to "set no vile thing before my eyes." That tells me we must be intentional about what shows we watch, websites we browse, what magazines & books we read and so on.
We live in a culture that has been worn away by the devils perversion. His schemes are enticing and easily excused by the pervasive "to each his own" mentality. Am I excusing any behaviors that might not be honoring to God. I hope not.
My prayer, like David's, is for God to search me and show me if there is any wicked way in me. But along with that prayer must come action. What will that action be? In the weeks to come I'll be sharing with you some of the steps we plan to take as a family to guard our home against the infiltration of evil.
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