Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Whatever happened to personal responsibility???

It's taken me some time to process through this whole Wallstreet/Banking crisis. However, after probing through a few commentaries on the issue, I've weighed the information and am pretty well settled on where I stand, I think. Lack of (maybe even non-existence of!) personal responsibility coupled with materialism led us to this place. The bail out is just that...a "get out of jail free" card granting freedom to those who don't deserve it. If passed, we, as taxpayers, will be paying for the crime of greed committed by a few CEO power-mongers. I'm not interested.

I came to this conclusion after reading a recent article (written before yesterday's vote) on Dave Ramsey's website . He does a great job of answering all your questions in layman's terms so I encourage you to click on the link and read it for yourself. It's brief, but enlightening. And even better....encouraging! Check it out.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Eerie to me, how 'bout you?

The Che Guevara flag seen at Obama's Houston campaign office, I know, is old news. However, recently I've seen a number of t-shirts promoting Obama as president and the intentional similarity to the Guevara rendering is just creeping me out! Yes, you can actually purchase these shirts and I've seen people wearing them! Just out of curiosity, what percentage of Americans do you think know who Guevara was, what he did, and what he stood for?

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

You may have noticed the listing for books "On My Nightstand..." in the sidebar has changed. I currently have three books I'm reading in constant rotation. I started with "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell. After a few pages into it I actually got a little uncomfortable. I excused those feelings by remembering my ultra-conservative roots and possible remnants of baptist dogma and continued. The uneasiness persisted until I put the book aside for a few days.

That 's when I started "The Truth War" by John MacArthur...I know, I know...vastly different authors! However, once I was committed to this new hardcover, it was easy to understand my discomfort with the words and theology of Rob Bell. You'll notice by clicking on "Velvet Elvis" that I don't have it linked to Amazon like I do every other book I post....that's for good reason. It's not a book I can recommend. I fear anyone not steadfast in their faith and with a fiery commitment to the truth may waiver. Not a book for the new or unsteady believer.

On the other hand, "The Truth War" stirred in me a new passion to protect and advance the truth--a vigor I've not experienced for some time. "A Christian Manifesto" byFrancis Schaeffer only compliments MacArthur's challenge. Two books, years apart in printing, yet undated in truth. I'd recommend you dusting off a copy of Shaeffer's classic and add to that a freshly published edition of MacArthur's The Truth War. Both very relevant to the shaky times we find ourselves in as believers in America and in the home stretch of a historical election.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

What's with the cussing????

I remember reading Donald Miller's "Blue Like Jazz" and in the midst of his elementary style of writing (which in itself struck me as odd-- since when are publishers okay with such poor composition for adult readership?) he told a story of "Mark, the cussing pastor." I had to shake my head and re-read it to be sure I'd correctly processed the letters in my mind! A cussing pastor?

That was a couple of years ago and now I find myself shaking my head once again, but this time at the evangelical community for accepting such behavior! It's becoming a fad that's easily laughed at and never challenged. I'm not talking about that under-the-breath grimace when you stub your toe. I'm talking about the use of profanity in place of decent adjectives in conversation.

Well, I'm not buying it! I've read all the excuses (with which I won't waste your time sharing) from various emerging church leaders and all I have to say is....Grow Up! You are no longer adolescents with raging hormones and lack of self-control! You are, according to 1 Peter 2 - " a chosen people," "royal priests." Verse 11 says, "Dear friends, I warn you as 'temporary residents and foreigners' to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world."

You/we are God's ambassadors--we represent Him. Act accordingly!


Questions anyone?

I read an interesting article today which I found in the form of a link on Tim Challies' blog. Justin Taylor, the author of this article, does a great job of answering some of the questions so many of us have in regards to the banking crisis America is currently facing. You can read what he has to say here.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Barak like Jesus???

Please pardon me for getting all political in the blogging world. I do have to admit, however, that it really is one of the most unusual elections in recent history and I can't help but get caught up in it. Check out this video to see how ridiculous people are getting with their banter...


Friday, September 5, 2008

Go McCain, I guess...

I reluctantly stayed up late last night to watch McCain's acceptance speech at the RNC. I fully expected a disaster. I've not bought in to voting for this man up to now and didn't expect he'd have much to say that would convince me otherwise. His choice for VP has been the only thing pushing me to the polls in November.

Astonishingly, I was pleasantly surprised! He's not an extraordinary orator, but I don't think that's what people are looking for in a president. They want someone who has the people's best interest at heart and will work for them, not Washington. Bottom line in this one voter's opinion, he turned my ear with his shaky monologue, giving me a new surge of pride and patriotism for my country. I'm edging closer to feeling pretty good about this nomination. Considering my strong hesitation of support from the get-go, I'd say his speech was a bit of a win!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thought-provoking article

A blog I like to frequent is that of Tim Challies, evangelical blogstar and author of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment (a must-read book!). He recently linked an article by Andy Crouch about the Palin family that really made me stop and think. After realizing the truth in Crouch's observation, I then took in a breath of excitement over the possibilities! If elected to office, this woman, this family, and their decision to welcome a down syndrome child into their family, would likely have influence in a never before seen way in this country. Check out the article and see if it doesn't fire you up!

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This morning I was reading My Utmost for His Highest, a favorite little book of mine, and was hit between the eyes with Chambers' writing. The scripture he references is from 2 Samuel 23:16. When in the midst of an intense battle, some of David's men brought him soothing water from the well he had earlier craved. These men risked their lives in a selfless act of of devotion to their leader, retrieving the water from the Well of Bethlehem. They proudly presented their gift to David and he quickly refused to drink it and poured it out as an offering to God. I've always been bothered by this story.

My spiritual gift is giving and I can imagine myself in the shoes of these men. How hurt I would feel if after great risk to myself, someone just wastefully dumped or tossed away my gift to them! I realize, however, that my gift is worthless if once I hand it over I attach strings to it. I must release it to that person to do with as God calls them. I am not to judge or condemn the receiver for their obedience.

Chambers has this to say about the receiver of such gifts.... "If you try to satisfy yourself with a blessing from God, it will corrupt you. You must sacrifice it, pouring it out to God--something that your common sense says is an absurd waste...If you have become bitter and sour, it is because when God gave you a blessing you hoarded it. Yet if you had poured it out to Him, you would have been the sweetest person on earth. If you are always keeping blessings to yourself and never learning to pour out anything to the Lord, other people will never have their vision of God expanded through you."

What a thought! May I never attempt to satisfy myself with a blessing from God or get in the way of another's sacrifice to God!

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008


...that's what I refer to them as. You know, the gossip rags we all see at the grocery store check-out -- Star Magazine, National Enquirer and many others that line the racks that, due to our hunger for reveling in others' flaws, beckon us to peruse at our leisure. Well, that's what the national media has become. SmutTV! Katie Couric, Meridith Viera, Matt Lauer and others are no longer reporters. They are scandalmongers, busybodies and muckraker's! I refuse to fall into their trap of attempting to remove the focus of the American people from real political coverage by creating a diversion through the obsession over the private challenges of a respected and devoted family. A family that happens to have had enough guts to willingly step into the glaring spotlight of these gossipmongers! I will not participate!


Monday, September 1, 2008


Last night was a big first! Thanks to my trusting brother and sister-in-law, my sweet little nephews did their very first sleepover with us! They were real champs, too! We had some yummy dinner, played outside on the swings a bit, and took a bubble bath in the big, big tub, watched a little Carmen & Dora, read a book, prayed and out they went to the sweet sound of classical music! They slept from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. and woke up smiling! I couldn't have asked for a sweeter time!

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