What's with the cussing????

I remember reading Donald Miller's "Blue Like Jazz" and in the midst of his elementary style of writing (which in itself struck me as odd-- since when are publishers okay with such poor composition for adult readership?) he told a story of "Mark, the cussing pastor." I had to shake my head and re-read it to be sure I'd correctly processed the letters in my mind! A cussing pastor?
That was a couple of years ago and now I find myself shaking my head once again, but this time at the evangelical community for accepting such behavior! It's becoming a fad that's easily laughed at and never challenged. I'm not talking about that under-the-breath grimace when you stub your toe. I'm talking about the use of profanity in place of decent adjectives in conversation.
Well, I'm not buying it! I've read all the excuses (with which I won't waste your time sharing) from various emerging church leaders and all I have to say is....Grow Up! You are no longer adolescents with raging hormones and lack of self-control! You are, according to 1 Peter 2 - " a chosen people," "royal priests." Verse 11 says, "Dear friends, I warn you as 'temporary residents and foreigners' to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world."
You/we are God's ambassadors--we represent Him. Act accordingly!
Labels: ponderings
Momma and Poppa are so proud of you. Preach it sista!!! Your passion for your Heavenly Father only grows deepper and you are not afraid to share the passion HE has given you. You definitely are not ashamed of the gospel. Now lets all take heed and live it...it never changes...not even for the culture we live in!!!!
amen--you're right....truth NEVER changes, especially with the times!
AMEN!!! Too much is allowed in our churches for the sake of "relevance"!
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