Whatever happened to personal responsibility???

It's taken me some time to process through this whole Wallstreet/Banking crisis. However, after probing through a few commentaries on the issue, I've weighed the information and am pretty well settled on where I stand, I think. Lack of (maybe even non-existence of!) personal responsibility coupled with materialism led us to this place. The bail out is just that...a "get out of jail free" card granting freedom to those who don't deserve it. If passed, we, as taxpayers, will be paying for the crime of greed committed by a few CEO power-mongers. I'm not interested.
I came to this conclusion after reading a recent article (written before yesterday's vote) on Dave Ramsey's website . He does a great job of answering all your questions in layman's terms so I encourage you to click on the link and read it for yourself. It's brief, but enlightening. And even better....encouraging! Check it out.
Labels: finance, ponderings
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