Go McCain, I guess...

I reluctantly stayed up late last night to watch McCain's acceptance speech at the RNC. I fully expected a disaster. I've not bought in to voting for this man up to now and didn't expect he'd have much to say that would convince me otherwise. His choice for VP has been the only thing pushing me to the polls in November.
Astonishingly, I was pleasantly surprised! He's not an extraordinary orator, but I don't think that's what people are looking for in a president. They want someone who has the people's best interest at heart and will work for them, not Washington. Bottom line in this one voter's opinion, he turned my ear with his shaky monologue, giving me a new surge of pride and patriotism for my country. I'm edging closer to feeling pretty good about this nomination. Considering my strong hesitation of support from the get-go, I'd say his speech was a bit of a win!
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