You may have noticed the listing for books "On My Nightstand..." in the sidebar has changed. I currently have three books I'm reading in constant rotation. I started with "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell. After a few pages into it I actually got a little uncomfortable. I excused those feelings by remembering my ultra-conservative roots and possible remnants of baptist dogma and continued. The uneasiness persisted until I put the book aside for a few days.
That 's when I started "The Truth War" by John MacArthur...I know, I know...vastly different authors! However, once I was committed to this new hardcover, it was easy to understand my discomfort with the words and theology of Rob Bell. You'll notice by clicking on "Velvet Elvis" that I don't have it linked to Amazon like I do every other book I post....that's for good reason. It's not a book I can recommend. I fear anyone not steadfast in their faith and with a fiery commitment to the truth may waiver. Not a book for the new or unsteady believer.
On the other hand, "The Truth War" stirred in me a new passion to protect and advance the truth--a vigor I've not experienced for some time. "A Christian Manifesto" byFrancis Schaeffer only compliments MacArthur's challenge. Two books, years apart in printing, yet undated in truth. I'd recommend you dusting off a copy of Shaeffer's classic and add to that a freshly published edition of MacArthur's The Truth War. Both very relevant to the shaky times we find ourselves in as believers in America and in the home stretch of a historical election.
Labels: books, ponderings
I read the Velvet Elvis last year after our small group leader recommended it. I agree it made me a little uncomfortable too. However, I have seen a couple of short video's by Rob Bell that I like much more.
I am proud to have you friend, one who does not ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit. My prayer...help me Jesus.-Weezie
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