Calvary Jupiter School's Out Party

Last night I took the kids and a couple of their friends to Calvary Chapel in Jupiter for their School's Out Party. It was a great mix of food, music, and testimony. In the middle of the evening a challenge went out for the student who could drink a McDonald's Happy Meal the fastest. Yes, I said, DRINK!! Everything that comes with a kids meal went into a blender and down the stomachs of three crazy kids! I've never taken in a smell quite like it....the mixture of cheeseburger, french fries, cookies, coke and ketchup definitely had a hint of regurgitation to it!! Amazingly, all three students walked away with prizes--an iPod shuffle and two iTunes gift cards, which, in my opinion, they totally deserved for their bravery!
The kids had a blast as they worshipped to the engaging boom of hip hop from Proverb and gentle sound of Kim's soothing voice from the Calvary Chapel Port St. Lucie band. The two other bands were just as entertaining and always pointing to Jesus in their lyrics.
We were all challenged with a humbling message by Todd Shoemaker from
Genetic Freak Ministry. He shared about the physical difficulties he's been faced with including everything from cancer to Parkinson's disease. His attitude is convicting and his determination, inspiring. In spite of being so young in dealing with such hard blows, he continues to run marathons, giving all the glory to Jesus! Go Todd!
All in all the evening was a smash and a great treat to celebrate the end of another school year! Bravo Chris and Billy for pulling off one more hit for the nearly 200 students who flocked to your invitation!
Labels: family, ministry
Memorial Day
Every year in the past we've spent Memorial Day at the beach or a cookout with friends and family. This year, we set the morning aside to observe the day for what it really is--a salute to the many soldiers who have died to keep America free.
Andrew's Sea Cadet unit was given the honor of participating in a Memorial Day event in Tequesta for American Legion Post 271. So, we loaded up the car with kids, some lawn chairs and my camera to honor our fallen veterans. I have to say, it was a sobering and tearful time of reflection and I am so glad we took the time to show the kids the reality of this day. This may just be a new family tradition!
Labels: family
Prince Caspian

Yesterday we went with some friends from church to see Prince Caspian. To be honest, I went with very little expectation. In my opinion, there are few sequels out there that are able to hold their own with its original counterpart.
So after the first hour I was not surprised that it had me only mildly interested and almost wishing I'd stepped in to see Indiana Jones! But then, to my great shock & satisfaction, came the climax....where Caspian is faced with the decision to follow the White Witch or turn to Aslan for help. From that point on the story sparked my interest and had me sitting on the edge of my seat with anticipation to the very end.
"Surly Aslan will come!" I thought. But, as he says to Lucy, "Nothing ever happens the same way twice." So without giving the story away for those of you, who like me, haven't read the book, I will say that the rest of the movie had me emotionally charged and, yes, even tearful, as Aslan unfolded the perfect plan, only to be fully grasped at the end, not in the midst, of the battle.
What I took away - His ways really are not our ways, nor are our thoughts His thoughts. But there's good reason for the events He allows in our lives. And in Peter's case, a good dose of humility learned the hard way was the chosen lesson for him--something we all need to discover at some point in our life. Unfortunately, we, like Peter, often times figure it out later than sooner and at no small price. But God never stops loving us, nor does He give up on us...praise Him for that!
Labels: movies
Homeschool Convention Weekend

Every year on Memorial Day weekend is the
Florida Homeschool Convention in Orlando. My pattern is to go every other year. Usually it goes like this.... We go as a family and have a blast! It takes place at a huge resort with lots to do and the rooms are first class. It's a real reward for making it through another year!
The next year, I decide I don't have to go. My excuses are numerous - too expensive, I'll just buy things I don't need, I already know what I'm doing with the kids next year so what's the point in looking at more material, and on and on...Then I realize it's not just about the vendors. There are great break-outs with renowned speakers to encourage the weary heart of the homeschool mom. I also find out that many of my friends are going. Then I wish I was going! That's where I stand this year.
So if my pattern stays true, I will go next year, but not with the whole family. I go with two or three other friends and split the cost of gas and the room, making it more financially feasible. Then I'll get up there and start missing my family and wish they were with me. That's when I decide that the
next year the whole family will go enjoy the convention together. And so the pattern goes!
Labels: home schooling
This weekend I had the opportunity to do some photos of Penny's sister and family while they were visiting from North Carolina. We met at Howard Park in West Palm and, after the shoot, we had great fun playing with Roman & Jadon in the big banyan trees. As you can see, Jadon is quite yummy!

Labels: family, fun pict's

I pulled something in my back yesterday and am having a hard time getting around today. I can't take sitting in this oak chair, so I will wait until tomorrow to share some pictures from the weekend. I'll be on a heating pad today (I iced it yesterday) and pumping up with some ibuprofen so that hopefully I can get back to running by the end of the week...I'll keep you posted!
Labels: health
Defining Your Purposes

Last night was our monthly women's leadership training group meeting. We finished up our reading of
The Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman by Anne Ortlund and our study of Elijah. Everyone left with a challenge to define their mission by identifying their circle of influence and determining what their life focus is. Here's how we equipped them to get started...
Begin with listing by name those with whom you spend the most time, broken into categories. Example - Immediate Family, Extended Family, Friends and Ministry. Once you have that nailed down, decide whether you should add or remove someone from that list. For instance, are you spending too much time in a problem-centered relationship? If so, begin limiting your time with that person. Or is there someone with which your spending too little time? Maybe a family member or close friend who is getting your leftovers. The key here is to "eliminate and concentrate" as Anne Ortlund says.
Next, decide what your responsibility is in each relationship, what God would want you to do in these relationships, and what is doable in relation to your time investment for each person. Identify specific ways you can enhance your connection to these people. For example, making phone calls weekly, writing notes or taking time to visit or enjoy an activity together.
Once you've ironed out these relationships and the investment you want to make in them, move toward defining your purpose. There are many different ways you can arrange this, but you begin with yourself and move out. For instance, I have two categories in my life purpose - Relationships and Responsibilities.
My personal
Mission Statement is -
As a child of God, I purpose to be accountable to the
FRIENDS while maintaining a healthy balance of service and stewardship in all my relationships and responsibilities.
Under Relationships you'll see the following:
Father - To be accountable to my Heavenly Father in all areas of my life including healthy maintenance of my body,mind, spirit & service.
Family - To love, support and honor my immediate & extended family above all other earthly relationships, giving special attention to my marriage first and my children second.
Friends - To love, share & encourage while maintaining an appropriate relationship of accountability and joint service to our families and one another
Under Responsibilities:
Supervise - create a clean, clutter-free, comfortable home environment in which my husband and children find peace & rest in a hectic world
School - instill Godly character & academic wisdom in the hearts and minds of my children growing them into responsible, God-fearing adults
Serve - give of my time & talents in all areas of ministry service whenever called on by God to do so
That's just an example. I've seen it laid out in a variety of ways, but the key is to make it fit YOU in a way YOU can remember it. It's also important to review often, as certain areas of your life do change as you enter different life stages.
If you're at all interested in doing this for yourself, I would recommend you read
7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey gives a lot of great insight as to why this is important as well as impressive direction in defining your goals, your circle of influence, etc. I know it may sound overwhelming, but once you walk through it and write it down, it actually is very freeing.
We learned last night that the reasons for doing this exercise are brings clarification, correction and confidence to your life. The key is to realize that "the process is more important than the product" (Covey). God is a God of order and the bible is full of examples of that fact. Jesus was always intentional about how He spent His time-- I, too want to maximize my time on this earth and this is one way to help me do that!
Labels: books, ministry
Mother's Day 2008
We had a wonderful day as we celebrated the mom's in our family....even pulled off a few family photos to commemorate the day!

Labels: family
What Qualifies Me as a Mom!
These crazy turkeys qualify and confirm my motherhood! None could make me prouder!

Thanks to Dave, Andrew, Mollie & Benjamin, my life on this earth is complete. Nothing makes me happier than being a wife and mom to this perfectly silly and loving set of human beings I call family!

Labels: family
Picture Time!
This week I decided to get some family photos of Chris & Penny & the boys as well as our family. We headed to our neighbors backyard, and I got started. Strangely enough, it was much easier getting good shots of my little nephews than it was for my teenage and adolescent kids. Here you can see proof of what I had to go through to get any kind of a serious pose!

Labels: family, fun pict's
Family Birthday Party!

Here are a few photos of our family birthday celebration for Benjamin's 10th.
It was great fun having two little ones to share in the fun with! Jadon was digging the ice cream while Roman helped Ben open his gifts. What a joy!
Here's Benjamin opening one of his gifts....a Louisville Slugger and baseball glove. So sad that he didn't already have one!
Labels: family
Happy Birthday to Ben!

My baby is turning double digits! Tonight at 10:21 p.m. he will officially be 10 years old! How quickly the years have passed. Many times as I quietly observe him going about his business, he appears to me still as only a young fawn. Each evening when I kiss him good-night I am wondered by his soft baby cheeks and my spirit is urged to gently caress them, as I know it won't be long and he'll have the rough cheeks of an adolescent young man. As much as I hate to see these years pass, I know they must. I also know that there's much to look forward to as I witness the forming of my baby boy into a young man full of zeal for the Lord. What a privilege to mother this "son of my right hand," my Benjamin!
Labels: family
Hillbilly Golf, Anyone?

Monday night we went to our dear friends' house, the Duvall's, for their daughter Addy's 3rd birthday. Several close friends were there to celebrate the a Cinco de Mayo themed party and, as usual, we had a wonderful time. Besides savoring the delicious mexican food and a relishing a little hysteria over Addy's typical 3-year-old exploits, we had great fun watching the guys competing with some "Hillbilly Golf". Here are a few shots displaying their athletic prowess. I'm not sure, but I think James may have pulled a hamstring in his horse shoe style attempt to wrap his golf balls around the top rung!
Labels: friends