Happy Birthday to Ben!

My baby is turning double digits! Tonight at 10:21 p.m. he will officially be 10 years old! How quickly the years have passed. Many times as I quietly observe him going about his business, he appears to me still as only a young fawn. Each evening when I kiss him good-night I am wondered by his soft baby cheeks and my spirit is urged to gently caress them, as I know it won't be long and he'll have the rough cheeks of an adolescent young man. As much as I hate to see these years pass, I know they must. I also know that there's much to look forward to as I witness the forming of my baby boy into a young man full of zeal for the Lord. What a privilege to mother this "son of my right hand," my Benjamin!
Labels: family
thats from roman to ben! his first blog comment!
happy birthday ben!!!
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