Calvary Jupiter School's Out Party

Last night I took the kids and a couple of their friends to Calvary Chapel in Jupiter for their School's Out Party. It was a great mix of food, music, and testimony. In the middle of the evening a challenge went out for the student who could drink a McDonald's Happy Meal the fastest. Yes, I said, DRINK!! Everything that comes with a kids meal went into a blender and down the stomachs of three crazy kids! I've never taken in a smell quite like it....the mixture of cheeseburger, french fries, cookies, coke and ketchup definitely had a hint of regurgitation to it!! Amazingly, all three students walked away with prizes--an iPod shuffle and two iTunes gift cards, which, in my opinion, they totally deserved for their bravery!
The kids had a blast as they worshipped to the engaging boom of hip hop from Proverb and gentle sound of Kim's soothing voice from the Calvary Chapel Port St. Lucie band. The two other bands were just as entertaining and always pointing to Jesus in their lyrics.
We were all challenged with a humbling message by Todd Shoemaker from Genetic Freak Ministry. He shared about the physical difficulties he's been faced with including everything from cancer to Parkinson's disease. His attitude is convicting and his determination, inspiring. In spite of being so young in dealing with such hard blows, he continues to run marathons, giving all the glory to Jesus! Go Todd!
All in all the evening was a smash and a great treat to celebrate the end of another school year! Bravo Chris and Billy for pulling off one more hit for the nearly 200 students who flocked to your invitation!
YUCK!!! I was never that brave! Your hobby is becoming a more regular are really good, Bethany! We'll have to schedule a photo shoot! :) I should do a glamour shoot for Charity... she'd love it!! She mentioned that she should go shopping with Mrs. Kush someday b/c you are "all about the deals" just like her! :) She also said that you both love to decorate so you'd have fun! She's itching to go to Ross! I must say that I love taking her along b/c she does have a knack for it! Funny that she remembers that about you! :)
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