Stop that Dripping!

I've been bragging to everyone that I haven't had a cold in OVER A YEAR. You know what that means...yep, I got clobbered with a nasty one. Sneezing, watery eyes, sore throat and a constant drippy nose, yuck! The worst part of it is I'm going with Penny, Mollie and my mom on a girls outlet shopping trip to St. Augustine this weekend. I can't believe it! Of all the weekends!!!
Labels: ponderings
Where do you go in St. Augustine? Just pack your meds and you'll be fine... nighttime formula will help you sleep like a baby! :)
I just realized I didn't put my name on the post.... didn't want you to think I was some stalker planning on hunting you down in St. Augustine!! We want to go up sometime... never been... let me know what the "must sees" are and all of the good deals! I do know there is a place where you can horseback ride on the beach! However you can do that less expensively in Port Saint Lucie!
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