Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
I hope all of our friends and family had a joyful & gluttonous four-day Thanksgiving weekend with all the trimmings!The Kush's & the Goeppner's enjoyed a fabulous affair with tremendous amounts of eating and laughing with our Wiggins & Genrich family friends as well as the better half of the Batista family.
Of course shopping was involved on several fronts beginning with online bargains and ending with strip mall sales, excluding todays trip to Walmart for more Christmas lights. We also squeezed in a mexican dinner and a movie (August Rush--excellent family movie!) with the Duvall's, a series of football games (sorry about the 'canes, Chris!), some marshmallow roasting over a bonfire, and a Christmas Vacation & Santa Claus III viewing on the new "big boy"! I dare not say I can imagine cramming one more activity into our four day recess from every day life.
I thought my far-away readers might appreciate a few photos of our holiday...
Wiggins & Kush Kids Pyramid

Trampoline Fun

Grampy & Dave on "flame control" duty

Looks like fun..... is that at your Mom's? I don't remember a trampoline at your house.....
What do you do with leftovers at your house?
yes, this was at my parent's house. they have 1 1/2 acres so the kids have great fun.
leftovers? what leftovers?
actually, they are usually gone by the end of the weekend. when meat is left, ham becomes bean soup, turkey gravy & turkey become turkey soup....what do you do?
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