Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sweet Surprise!

At the end of the day, mentally consumed & physically weary, I headed to our master bathroom to shower the grime from my body and slip into something cozy & warm. Seriously, I felt ready for the bone yard!

As I passed through the doorway a package sitting on the vanity counter caught my eye. It was hard to miss! A small note card addressed to none other than me was standing next to the beautiful rose-covered gift bag . Initially I assumed it was from my husband. As I opened the card and began to read the hand-written words inside, it became apparent it was not from Dave.

As I read the note from my sweet Penny, tears filled my eyes and my heart welled with great affection. She lavished me with loving words of appreciation. As I opened the gift bag I noticed it was filled with all the items she persuaded me in the note to do...."take a nice, relaxing bubble bath, read some smutt, put on some sexy smelling lotion & comfy pj's, and pucker-up!" And that I did!

Thank you, my dear "sister-in-love" for indulging me and especially for adding comedy and joy to my life. I love you my sister:)



At November 12, 2007 at 9:14 AM , Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

I'm glad you enjoyed them! I love you!


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