We're in the midst of a series at church called "Brave Heart, Prepare for Battle." It's based on Ephesians 6:10-18. This weekend was the second of three parts. Last week Pastor Tom walked us through knowing our enemy, understanding our enemy's mission, and recognizing our enemy's limitations. This week the outline was recognizing the real enemy, knowing the battleground terrain--the mind, the heart and the body. He was on his way to giving us the tools for taking the offensive and using our weapons, and boy was he fired up in his full camo attire, when the strangest thing happened....the fire alarm went off! For those of you reading this and not familiar with Christ Fellowship, we are a multi-site campus with a live satellite feed. We have three weekend services and Pastor Tom happened to be at our Royal Palm campus live, with the feed going out to the Gardens and City Place campuses, so when the alarm fired off, the connection was lost, sound system cut off, emergency lighting kicked in. All three campuses were literally left in the dark. As there was no fire, it was stunning! Everyone was fully aware of what was happening...we were upsetting the one with whom we were preparing for battle! Many people went forward to make decisions for Christ during the first service and I'm sure the enemy wanted to make sure that didn't happen again! We truly are up against an enemy who will go to any length to keep us from Christ and doing His will. However, I think little schemes like this will only make the church more determined to be prepared and fight well. I can't wait to see how next weeks message makes him squirm!
Labels: church
That is all too believable! The Enemy wanted to steal that teaching, steal that moment, steal the victory. We just had a similar thing happen on Sanibel when we were on vacation. The kids went to a VBS on The Armor of God. It was very entertaining and yet powerful and the church had partnered with Jeff Smith from Salt and Light Ministries who wrote the curriculum. He came to do the creative arts and lead worship. Anyway, on the last day, during a powerful quiet moment, all of the tech things started going wacko!! Jeff was so grieved b/c he lost the kids attention. Later when they put on a program for the parents and visitors, the FIRE ALARM went off during the same part!! Well, this time Jeff was ticked! He got up, told everyone to stay where they were and proceeded to use his sword of the Spirit against the Enemy! The alarm ceased and the program continued and it was a powerful moment.... even more so, I think because the kids saw Jeff PUT ON his armor he talked and sang about all week long! We serve an Awesome God!! Our battle is truly a spiritual one. Even those battles in our homes and workplaces need to be fought with our Armor on! The Enemy would love to steal our homes, our joy, our children, their education, etc. So often I know I fight with the wrong weapons. We all need to get serious and suit up!
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