
Now that I finally have access to internet via Chris’ laptop, and I have a few minutes, I thought I’d do a quick post. We made it to St. Petersburg and enjoyed a couple of days touring and walking the city. I’ll do some posts on that part of the trip either when we get to Moscow or after we return home. I have a lot of great pictures and stories to share from the first leg of our trip there.
Yesterday morning we arrived in Krasnoyarsk to a smiling and beautiful set of Goeppner boys….an experience I’ll never forget. These memories are priceless and I’ll share more in a later post. There’s just too much emotion that I’m suppressing right now and I don’t
want to get things rolling with that quite yet. There will be time for that later!
I will say this much, however, Chris and Penny are amazing parents! I know, that’s certainly not a surprise, to me either, but seeing it with my own eyes and experiencing it first hand has been indescribable! I love to see the boys reach for “mama” and “papa”…there’s no substitute in their minds!
We were able to see a bit of this Siberian city in the two short days we’ve been here and I will share some pictures when I return to the states. It’s quite different than I ever imagined to say the least.
We’ll be leaving about 4:30 a.m. for our flight to Moscow. Please pray for a safe and uneventful trip along with a special dose of peace for Penny, Chris and and boys….two little one’s who have never experienced the hustle and bustle of a large airport and a long (5 hour) flight.
That’s all for now, but I’ll give more regular updates once we’re in Moscow, as these two days have been a whirlwind and with the 4 more hour time change it’s hard to keep my mind straight at times!
Thanks for all your prayers and loving support! Don’t stop now, we’ve got another week and we’re counting on God to sustain us through your constant nagging Him!
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