Valentines Tradition

Several years ago I started a Valentines tradition with our family. I'm not sure exactly when it started, but Benjamin wasn't born yet and he's almost 10 now so that tells you how long this has been going on! The idea came while I was a part of the MOPS steering committee at our church. Being a part of that team generated a lot of great ideas and creativity which prompted the beginning of this now 10+ year old ritual.
It seemed like Valentines Day was always a big disappointment....nothing Dave did or didn't do, it was just hard to get a babysitter for that night, Dave's work schedule was crazy or some other obstacle kept us from having a romantic evening. I tried doing special dinners for the two of us, but when the kids are little, there's always one interruption or another as children certainly have no concept of romance, and once they do it's gross to them!
So the thought occurred to me not to make it all about me and what I'd like to do or have or feel for that one night of the year that Kay Jewelers has made an absolute impossibility to measure up to. I mean, what woman REALLY wakes up to a beautiful diamond necklace draped across her neck as her husband adoringly gazes at her??
That being the case, the Kush Family Valentines Day consists of the following and has evolved, food-wise as the kids have gotten older....
I begin by shopping in advance for token gifts for Dave and the children, something I know would be special to each of them. I buy conversation hearts and a couple of other Valentine candies and always the same cards.....the ones with an animal on front and big chocolate lips attached, you know the kind.
I begin preparing for dinner around 3 p.m. with layered chocolate pudding in wine glasses, crab legs, salad and peirogies (as per the kids' requests!). I always set the table with decorations and dinnerware appropriate for a special occasion. I position their festively wrapped gifts at their place setting and declare the dining room "off limits" until dinner time!
Everyone is instructed to write what they love about each person in our family on a handmade card and then I put it under that persons dinner plate. When it's time to have our seats we pull out our notes and read them and it always brings tears to a mothers eyes to hear what their siblings love about each other! That's my favorite part! We then open our gifts, pray, thanking God for his love for us and our love for one another and then dig in to our much-anticipated meal of the year.
Honestly, the kids love this day and look forward to it all year! This year Benjamin said to me, "Mom, you must really love us a lot 'cause this was a lot of hard work for you!" all the while hugging my waist as hard as he could! Who could ask for more?
Labels: family
Very cool....... I need to come up with a specific food to serve... it seems to add to the memory, right? I like the crab idea b/c I probably would only serve it once a year anyway! Do you serve them cold or steamed hot?
We usually write letters to the children and this year we asked their godparents to write letters as well, but I love the idea of the siblings writing notes too.
The girls usually go out for a special night with Thom and Thom and I start the day with a breakfast date... restaurants are empty Valentine's morning and it's cheaper than dinner! I still get a steak, but much cheaper!
Thanks for the ideas!! Blog more about your traditions!
yep, the crab is special, as they get it once a year. I heat them in a huge pot of water on the stove. I love the idea of breakfast... that way Dave and I could get a little one on one that day. Dave always gets me and Mollie flowers, too:) (she has hers in her room now).
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