Time to pack...

Friday night we had our last night out with the family before Chris and Penny leave for Russia. We went to a long time favorite of ours, Dune Dog, and enjoyed fresh fish in their outside seating....only in South Florida in February can you do that! It was a fun time even though we were batting mosquitos off of our ankles!
We headed back to Chris and Penny's house for dessert and coffee while we helped finish packing the many items they'll be needing for a month stay half way around the world. That was a challenge! We're going on the information that you can only check one bag per ticketed person on Aeroflot and that one bag can't weigh more than 40 pounds. After filling two bags with as much as we thought we could without going over the limit, we loaded up the Trailblazer and headed to Publix to get an accurate weigh-in on the black beasts. As you can tell by Penny's worried look, we had some shuffling to do. Dave and I ended up heading home with enough stuff to fill one of our large bags that we'll be taking on our way to meet them. The employees were curious as to why we were taking pictures of each other in front of the scale while making odd faces. Thus the photo of my mother explaining our actions to the baggers and cashiers. They basically thought we were freaks!
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