Official News from KRASNOYARSK, Russia!!!!

Well, it's official! My brother, Chris and his wife, Penny are now Mama and Papa to two little boys from Siberia! And I'm an AUNTIE!!!!
They had their court hearing yesterday (actually 10 p.m. last night our time) and the judge awarded them custody of my two little nephews. It's been a long and arduous journey for C & P, with lots of twists, turns, tears & laughter. The best is yet to come!
Dave and I leave a week from tomorrow to meet up with them in Krasnoyarsk. Words can't describe the excitement in my heart! All I can say is that I can hardly focus on anything else right now! I find myself continually day-dreaming and imagining the first time I see the sweet little faces of my two darling nephews as my brother and "sister" begin their long-anticipated journey as parents. I cry as I type these words. The emotional build up of two years watching this adoption "pregnancy" unfold has come to a finale. It's hard to believe. Those of you who know them will agree with me when I say Chris and Penny are going to be AMAZING parents. These boys will know love like few ever experience!
Please continue to pray for the following: a smooth transition for the boys as they move out of the orphanage and into the arms of their forever family, good health for everyone, zero hold-ups in paperwork and finally, the ability for Chris and Penny to thoroughly enjoy the final weeks of their stay in Russia as they bond with their children. On a side note, please pray for Dave and I as we travel, that things will go smoothly and Dave's Russian language skills will exceed his own expectations!
For continued updates check daily on Goeppner Adoption and Life & Times.
I bet you are ready to just jump out of your skin!! You are about to go across the world to meet your new nephews and share that moment with Chris and Penny BUT you are ALSO about to embark on an extended vacation ALONE with Dave!! When was the last time that happened?!! The combination of both of those would be enough for me to declare "No School" and get totally lost in plans and packing!! Hey, have you thought of hiding notes for the kids in their suitcases? My kids always love the surprises I leave for them when I go to the hospital to deliver another baby! No wonder they welcome each little one with such excitement!! :) I am so excited for you and the adventure that awaits you two!! I am sure you'll have tons of material to blog about after the trip! Are you going to post while you are there or is the WiFi cost too outrageous? I'll be praying for you guys!!! Enjoy!
Dave and I have never left the kids this long (I think 4 days was the most ever!); he's never taken off of work for more than a week at a time! We're excited, a little anxious as well.
Dave bought "Where the Wild Things Are" note cards (a favorite childhood book of the kids') and we're leaving a few notes for each of them.
I will probably blog once in Moscow...there are plenty of wi-fi hot spots there as well as cafes that charge $5-$10/hour.
Thanks for your prayers and for celebrating with us!
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