Weight Loss Associated with Chewing Gum!

According to recent news headlines in Europe... "Two patients were seen at a Berlin hospital with perplexing symptoms -- chronic diarrhea and other bowel problems, and substantial unexplained weight loss (about 20% of normal body weight). Both patients had undergone extensive diagnostic tests without solving their problems. Then, an astute clinician asked about their usual dietary intake and discovered that the sufferers typically chewed from sixteen to twenty sticks of sorbitol-sweetened gum per day."
I'd say there are probably a lot of very excited people out there cleaning off the shelves at their local grocery store right about now! What do you say?
I read that too!! Hmmm....... chew some gum, end up in the bathroom a lot and catch up on a lot of reading AND lose weight too... sounds like a winner to me!! I'm chewin' gum now, baby!
like you need to!!!
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