Middle East Peace Talks.....Again

President Bush is in Israel now, attempting to move forward peace talks with the bickering Palestinian and Israeli leaders. It's amazing to me that we're hearing very little of this in the media, as the President has made some very bold statements including the following...
"President Abbas and Prime Minister [Ehud] Olmert have to come together and make tough choices...And I believe it possible - not only possible, I believe it's going to happen - that there will be a signed peace treaty by the time I leave office" in a year's time."
WOW! It will be interesting to see if his gut proves him right! I will certainly be following BBC on this one...
In an article back in November, BBC did a story on the history of the middle east peace plans beginning in 1967 with the
Security Council Resolution 242. In my lifetime there have been ten main proposals and, I'm quite sure, not a few back room talks unannounced to the rest of the world. We're at it again and can now add one more to this list:
Camp David, 1978
Madrid Conference 1991
Israeli-Syrian talks
Oslo Agreement, 1993
Camp David, 2000
Taba, 2001
Saudi plan, 2002
Road Map, 2003
Geneva Accord, 2003
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