
After a very long, dry season here in south Florida, God decided to bless us to overflowing with some much needed wet weather. IT HASN'T STOPPED! Maybe I'm spoiled, but days on end of rain is starting to make me crazy. I'm not sure how Noah was able to finish his mission without losing his mind first!
I'm reading Beth Moore's Missionary Devotional, Voices of the Faithful, and every day God challenges me through the words of people I've never seen or met but feel a tight connection with after studying only a few paragraphs of their experiences. It helps me to see this world through the "proper spectacles."
My calendar is filling up quickly for the month of October. It's very overwhelming when I open up my Covey and discover most of the days are crowded with appointments, meetings and other obligations. That's when I have to flip the month page over to the day page and concetrate on the day at hand. An old song is coming to mind...."one day at a time, sweet Jesus..." Someone should write an updated version of that one!
We had our second 4-H meeting of the year yesterday and hosted 17 kids and 7 mom's. Julie the Magician pulled off another terrific lesson on Florida and the students had elections to decide on the clubs officers for the year. I spent a good part of the evening filling out more paperwork for the 4-H office. My next step is to go to the police department for fingerprinting...every volunteer is required to do so.
I haven't been running since Friday. One word.....RAIN! I guess I could still go, but the rain is coming with thunder and lightning and I don't want to look like a scared woman running from a disastrous wet t-shirt contest.
Tonight I'm meeting the girls from our small group for dinner at Bimini Twist, a local seafood restaurant. We're celebrating the birthday of one of our best-loved chicks, Connie, who's now not just 50, but IN her 50's. And she doesn't look a day over 35!!!
Yesterday, on my return from a quick food run to Walmart, a young guy TOTALLY cut me off, almost running me into a car in another lane in order to keep his back bumper from hitting my front fender. All the while, as John Maxwell says, he was telling me I'm #1 through his sunroof! The joys of driving in south Florida. I wonder if Julie will incorporate this in her next 4-H Florida lesson for the kids?
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