Thanksgiving Break

Today I write to inform you readers out there that I will be on a blogging break for the next nine days! Thanksgiving week hasn't come soon enough for our family this year. We will enjoy some serious down time with the Goeppner/Kreider sides of the fam this year...a first! We're very excited and I will be sure to post picture's and story's of our time together.
Have a blessed week basking in a thankful heart. We all can find something to thank God for. Here are a few of my top "Thanksgivings" for this year:
1. I am saved and secure in Christ.
2. My family, immediate & extended, loves and serves God.
3. I have a full pantry & enough income to feed and shelter our children.
4. My dad is healthy in spite of recently starting chemotherapy for CLL.
5. I have a devoted, loving and unshakable marriage with the most amazing man on the planet!
6. I am free to home school our children.
7. We are free to worship in the local church without harassment.
8. I am surrounded on all sides by dear friends who love me unconditionally.
9. I made it to 40 this year!!!
10. Although I'm mostly grey, you'd never know it...thank you Clairol!
Labels: ponderings
Reading Together is Fun!

Tim Challies, a favorite blogger of mine, started a series post called "Reading Classics Together". Up to now he's done
Holiness by J.C. Ryle,
Overcoming Sin and Temptation by John Owen and A.W. Pink's
The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross as well as Jonathan Edwards'
The Religious Affctions. He is about to start his fifth book and has chosen
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. I have not followed along in his other choice classics, but this one is calling me! This will be my third time thumbing through these pages, but I can't resist a good discussion!
So along with 52 others so far who have committed, I will join the fun as they dig into this much loved printing that's well-known by many. He's giving us until December 4th to read through the first few pages of the Preface and Forward, promising to move along at a fast pace throughout the remaining chapters. If you're interested in joining me along with Tim and others, here's a
link to his blog to find out more.
Labels: books
Almaguer Family Photos
Here are a few of my favorites from an early morning shoot with a precious young ministry family...ahh November in South Florida!!

Labels: photography
Family Photo Time!
On Monday I had about 30 minutes to pull off some shots of our Duvall Family friends. Here are a few of my favorites.

Labels: friends, photography
Sanctus Real's Fight the Tide album, released in June 2004, has some amazing songs on it. This, in my opinion, is one of the greatest christian bands out there today and it seems everything they produce brings another "favorite" for me.
Things Like You is one of my top five.
Below you'll find the lyrics. Check them out, as I think they are appropriate for the economic times we find ourselves in as a nation and comforting to be reminded of the realities of "Loving Things". The last verse is my favorite of this favorite song of mine:)
By the way...
Tenth Avenue North, a local and beloved band for many Christ Fellowship members, recently toured with them!
So here you go...
Loving things like you has wrecked my life, made me cry
Loving things like you has made me lose my mind
And I can't figure out why I've been hanging on
To all these things I've tried to leave behind me for so long
And I think it's time to find a better way to live my life
Than loving all those things that keep me wrapped so tight
Everyone wants everyone else's eveything
Some time's the more we have the less we really gain
I'm tired of life and all that money has to buy
Get out of my heart, out of my mind, leaving you behind
Loving things like you has left me bruised, black and blue
Loving things like you has made me so confused
And I can't figure out what I've been waiting on
God I can't be living for things I know are wrong
Now I think it's time to write a better chapter in my life
Leaving all those things that keep me wrapped so tight
Why are we obsessed with possessions here on earth?
Go and take a look at the flowers and the birds
God is always taking care of nature's every need
And how much more important in The Father's eyes are we?
I said, how much more important in The Father's eyes are we?
He sees everything
Labels: just for fun, ponderings
...stole my heart with that grin!

Labels: family, photography
...No words are necessary!

Labels: family, photography
Election Day 2008

On Saturday, I got a phone call from my dad. The Lord had placed on his heart an urgency to pray for the upcoming election and for our nation. I quickly got to work inviting everyone I knew in my email address book and all of my facebook friends. We planned for 1 hour of united prayer. So last night about 30 people from CF gathered, hands locked, in the parking lot of our Royal Palm Campus to pray for our nation. Not bad for a last minute rally!
What an uplifting time of knitting our hearts toward one purpose! We cried out to God to have mercy on our nation, to forgive the church as a whole for years of apathy, sinful behavior and outright rebellion. We asked for healing, for returned blessing and for protection. We thanked Him for the blessing and honor we have as a result of living in this great land of freedom. The fact that we are free to gather publicly and pray without persecution is a gift, one we should never take lightly. We ended in a time of worship through song, led by Dear Pastor Jim...."Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound!"
I believe we all left with a sense of peace and trust in our Heavenly Father. We realized we have a duty, as the body of Christ, to pray for our nation, for our leaders, and to vote according to biblical standards, not the worlds. We are not of this world, we are Christ's ambassadors. We must represent him well, no matter the outcome.
So with a spring in my step at 7 this morning, I went to my assigned location to vote. Forty-five minutes in line--not bad compared to the 2+ hours many had to stand for early voting! I was able to go with my husband this year and we actually had a pleasant wait in line talking with a good friend from our Life Group at CF. The line moved quickly, the poll workers were friendly & helpful, and the ballots were simple. There was a feeling of release once my ballot was cast. I had just placed my hope in God's hands. It's up to Him now what He does with it.
Now we wait and see...
Labels: politics
Halloween '08

My brother recently bought himself a new camera....I'm so proud!
Anyway, here are a few shots he shared with me from Halloween at our house. The first is my favorite--can you tell they're having fun? Next, sweet Roman as "Spidey," and finally my little Lion cub, JJ! (Benjamin actually wore this amazing costume made by my wonderful mother-in-law if you can believe it.)
Labels: family