Kick Boxing

I got my butt kicked in aerobic kick boxing last night! I have two friends to thank for this, one for the idea, the other for the ride! It was CRAZY! Now, I consider myself to be in decent shape, not a fitness freak, but pretty balanced, running and lifting weights 3-4 days a week. Even so, I could barely breathe, never mind keep up with the choreography! The whole hour and fifteen minutes of the workout I was telling myself, "Once I leave here, I'm never coming back!" There were a few times when I thought my club sandwich from dinner was going to splatter all over the floor, but I kept it together and managed to stay on pace with the instructor.
Once I got home and debriefed my husband on the agony I had endured, I realized something. I was actually proud of myself and started to consider going again next week! What is that all about? Want to know my opinion? It's a chemical reaction. The same one that takes place during and after childbirth. During childbirth, we promise never to get ourselves into that predicament again. Then, one to two years later, we end up in the very same spot with total amnesia of our previous experience! Am I right, or what?
So, you can expect that this won't be my last post on aerobic kick boxing. I'm determined to conquer this hill!
Labels: ponderings
You are so right!!! It does give you a huge sense of accomplishment to have done something that pushed you to your limit! Is that why we decide to homeschool again each year?? Do we have total amnesia of the year before?! Just kidding! Kind of.... :)
Would love to read some book reviews of some of the books you've read... I'm thinking about taking an Ortberg on vacation with me up North.
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