Catherine Hickem

This past weekend I had the opportunity to visit Calvary Chapel Jupiter, the church where my brother pastors the youth, for a Women's Retreat. It's always a treat to go somewhere different and slip in with no obligation to set up, tear down, organize, clean or serve. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy serving, but a once-in-a-blue-moon event like this is golden to me!
The featured speaker for the weekend was a woman by the name of Catherine Hickem. I had never heard of her, but after this weekend am now a big fan! She has a ministry called Intentional Moms and has written a book called Raising Your Children with No Regrets, which you can see in my sidebar. If you ever have an opportunity to see her in person, it would be well worth it to those of you in absolutely any phase of mothering. The book is THE best I've read on the subject of motherhood. I'm two-thirds of the way through and have read much of it out loud to my husband! I encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself, no matter what stage of parenting you find yourself in. It's very well organized and practical. You'll not regret the investment!
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