Day Two - Krasnoyarsk

We woke up to our second day in Siberia feeling refreshed and revived after a hard nights sleep. We met the "Goeppner Family" in the breakfast room and enjoyed doting over our sweet little nephews. I gulped down a cup of "Sanka"---yuck, instant--and a pastry. Not really satisfying, but it had to do.
We spent the morning playing, reading and babysitting another family's little boy while they were at court. It went by quickly and before we knew it, it was nap time.
I jumped at the opportunity to take a ride with Chris, Yelena and Sergei. There were more documents to be filed so we we jumped in the van and headed down the street a few blocks. Chris went into the government office with Yelena while I stayed outside with Serg. He offered to take my picture and I consented--I have few of me and thought it would be nice to have a shot with a Siberian side street as a backdrop! Chris and Yelena were in and out in five minutes with the necessary stamped paperwork in hand and then we were back in the van on our way to the hotel.
Lunch was a type of "ramen noodle soup" we had purchased the day before at the local grocery. I think they actually do it better--styrofoam bowl, seasoning packet & butter packet. Just pour hot water over the noodles, add the packets and let stand for 5 minutes. It was quite satisfying and very filling.
The boys were up at 3:30. We gave them a little snack and then all went outside for a stroll in the plaza. After a little bit we got cold and headed back inside. We hooked up with the Swingles and made for a good long walk to an italian restaurant called Il Patio--Russian version of Olive Garden chain.
The menu was all Russian. Dave read the items to us and described them. Chris and Tim found chicken parmesan and were very happy! Dave ordered vegetable lasagna and Penny, Debbie and I ordered a baked chicken dish with french fries. The boys got a fettuccine dish on the children's menu. Everyone got their food and was quite contented with it--except Debbie and me. We waited and waited. Our waitress told us several times in Russian -"3 more minutes". After 45 minutes Chris and Penny had left with the boys. The manager came to our table and apologized saying they were having trouble in the kitchen and it would be 15 more minutes. Dave thanked him kindly and asked for the check. The manager was undoubtedly shocked! He hung his head in shame and returned a few minutes later with our bill (which could only be paid with cash--no credit cards, rubles only!). We paid the waitress and as we walked toward the door it seemed every employee had lined themselves along the entrance path, heads hung in humiliation as we made our way out. The manager was last in this strange line-up and made his apologies as we exited. Bizarre!
Debbie and I were obviously still hungry so we made a stop at the tiny grocery store for some more soup. In the meantime Chris had called and asked us to pick up some candy bars while we were there. The store was mobbed with people! We filled our little basket and started for the check out only to find two lines of 20 or more people. Those who came to the line after us but only had one or two items immediately made their way to the front of the line, cutting everyone in between. No questions, no arguments! Dave decided this must be the way the "Express Lane" works in Russia!
After about a 25 minute wait we finally checked out and started back to the hotel. What an adventure! Who would ever believe it except the Swingles who graciously endured the whole evening right alongside us!
Labels: adoption
Truly bizarre! I am guessing that you lost weight while you were "vacationing" in Russia!
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