Saturday, January 26, 2008

Countdown to Russia...

Dave and I have never traveled internationally. That said, since Chris and Penny received their court date last Tuesday, it's been a whirlwind! Their agency has been kind enough to allow us to tag along with "mom & dad" in the process of making travel arrangements, i.e. providing contacts for travel, visas, etc. What an ordeal!! For those of you who know me well, you'll remember that I get knots in my stomach just ordering pizza, so this is WAY outside of my zone of comfort! That's where Dave comes in. He has been AMAZING!! Definitely proving himself, once again, to be my Knight in Shining Armor:) We've used his technologically awe-inducing iPhone to handle phone calls via speaker phone, itinerary's and much more. It's a wonderful age we live in!

So here's where we stand so far. The first leg of the trip will take us from Miami to Moscow through Atlanta. Once in Moscow we will catch a flight to St. Petersburg and have two full days to enjoy the sights & history of that city (as well as adjust to the 9 hour time change!). We will then head back to Moscow where our connecting flight to Krasnoyarsk will be waiting for us.

Once we arrive in Kras, we will meet up with my brother & Penny who will have already have been in the former Soviet Union for over two weeks. We will spend two nights in Kras, with a great possibility of witnessing firsthand "Gotcha Day" for the Goeppner family! How cool is that???

Once the boys are safely in the care of their "forever mom and dad" it's only a day or two before heading back to Moscow. We will spend a week with them in the capital city before returning to the states and reuniting with our family.

We still have a lot to do to prepare. There's the will - making sure it's in order; finances, life insurance - ditto; the kids and their school work - I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The unknown is always a bit dismaying, but we have God directing our paths, so we're ready to kick back and watch Him do His thing!



At January 28, 2008 at 11:14 AM , Blogger Chris Goeppner said...

Amen Sister! I am so glad you guys are coming with us! It's a blessing you will never truly understand. We love you!!


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