Despite the fact that we'll be using credit cards for most of our travels expenses, we were told that a good amount of cash would be necessary during our stay in Russia. In order to get a decent rate of exchange the bills need to be in almost perfect condition. Last Thursday I went to our local bank and ordered $1000 in unmarked bills. As I understood it, this can take up to a couple of weeks for the bank to attain. They called me on Monday and all the money is in! Didn't expect that! So I'll be making a trip to National City to pick up our currency this week. Where would you hide that kind of cash for a couple of weeks? Under the mattress (like my grandmother), in a cookie jar, behind a book???
Labels: adoption, ponderings
that's so awesome you're going...
thanks, Bryon, we're very excited!
You may not want to advertise the fact that you have $1K in cash at your home on your blog. Not sure what your readership is, but you never know.
Whatever you do, don't forget where you hid the money!!!(OOPS)
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