It's In the Rib!

Anyone out there ever do a "Strengths Finder" test? I love these tests and if you've taken one you'll understand my love for them because one of my top five strengths is "Input". That just means I love information. I need information to feel satisfied. It took many years for my husband to understand this. As a matter of fact, it took almost 17 years to be exact. That's the year we both took the test and discovered the why's behind the things we do that irritate one another.
I believe a lot of women out there must have "Input" in at least their top 10, don't you think? How many women, as soon as their husbands arrive home from a hard days' work, set to the business of "How was your day? what did you do? what did you eat? where did you go? who did you see? why are you late?" and so on and so forth. Admit it, girls, we do it!
I don't believe in broad sterotypes, but I also don't believe in coincidence. There's a perfectly good explanation for this phenomenon. After God created Adam and had him name all the animals, God said Adam did not find a suitable helper to do life with and this was not good. So he put Adam into a deep sleep and pulled a rib from his side and created woman.
What do you think was in that rib? I think "Input", along with a few other "strengths" (yes, I think of them as strengths!) was deep in the marrow of that bone that Eve was created from. So every time you think about the differences between you and your man, remember, as our dear Pastor's wife, Mrs. Donna says...."It's in the rib, dear."
(cartoon courtesty of _wsn/page2.html)
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