A Prayer for "Worshiping Warriors"

I'm still reading Warren Weirsbe's "Real Worship." It's a meaty book that's taking me a littler longer than usual to get through because I feel like I need time to digest each chapter before going on to the next. Today I finished the chapter titled "Worship Involves Warfare." Once again more eye-opening truths. At the end of each chapter Mr. Weirsbe pen's a prayer. I'd like to share with you this chapter's prayer and ask that as a church we join together in this cry. It's based on Psalm 149:6 and it's powerful.
Lord of Hosts,
Your Son has won for us that decisive victory over Satan and all his hosts. He has "disarmed principalities and powers."
I realize now, O Lord, that there is a militant side to worship. You are calling me to have Your praises on my lips and Your sword in my hand. The enemy is subtle and strong, and I cannot win the battle in my own strength.
Help me to remember that my battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of darkness and the hosts of spiritual wickedness. May I not depend on the arm of flesh. The weapons of this warfare are not fleshly, but spiritual.
O Lord, help Your church to be a conquering army! May we not trust the externals--our budgets, our buildings, our impressive statistics. May we trust You and have clean hands and pure hearts so that You might fight our battles with us. And remind us that we are not fighting flesh and blood; we are fighting spiritual wickedness. Lord, give us unity. May we fight the enemy and not each other. Help us to be more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord.!
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