I've done a little review in my head of some of my favorite things or experiences from 2008. The items listed below are completely personal. My hope is that as you read over them, you, too, will peruse your own memories of the past year and chalk them up for what they really are...blessings from a merciful & loving God.
Leather Journal - I've never been an avid journaler, but this year, with raising two teenagers & one pre-adolescent, feeling the discomfort ministry work can bring, and facing financial strain in hard economic times, writing my prayers & thoughts down in the beautiful leather journal Dave gave me this year has been quite therapeutic. It's become a natural part of my morning devotion with God.
Trip to Russia - It seems like another lifetime, but our trip to Russia to assist my brother & sister-in-law in bringing their two adopted sons home was a life-changing experience. It created a bond of love & understanding that Chris, Penny, Dave & I will share throughout our lives here on earth and into eternity. Priceless!
Going cellular - This summer we gave up our land line. I never have to hear the grating sound of a cordless phone shrieking through my house again. Nor do I have to deal with unwanted solicitors. This being an election year we were able to avoid all those annoying political calls, too!
Dropping satellite television - I love not having the distraction of the constant availability of numerous viewing options. It's much quieter in our home and we have more conversation & relationship building than ever.
My camera - I've had a blast creating memories for myself and others as I've learned the in's & out's of operating a DSLR camera.
Turning 40 - Not so bad! I actually finally feel like a grown-up and that others might just start taking me seriously! I'm really looking forward to the second half of my life. I want to do it better...much better!
Having a 3rd driver in the family - Despite the insane cost of insurance for a male teen driver, it's been worth all the benefits of not having to be the taxi driver all the time. Love it!
Reading Raising Your Children with No Regrets, Catherine Hickem - My choice for best book of the year. It met me right where I was and made a huge impact on my perception of mothering my growing children. Absolutely a God-sent message!
Meal Planning - Doing this on a weekly basis has rescued us from eating out & over-spending and has given us a little more margin in our budget. I've done this for years off and on, but this summer it really helped us out when gas prices where through the roof.
My man- God has given me a husband that makes doing life in this crazy world more of a fun adventure than I ever imagined. We're in our 20th year of marriage now and I believe all the years leading up to now were preparation for what God has in store for the next 20 years. We are truly blessed that our Creator chose us to be partners as we raise a family in His name & further the gospel message with the gifts He's given us. I can't wait to see what plan God has for 2009!
Labels: fun facts, ponderings
beautifully written!
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