Happy Valentines Day!
In case you are new to this blog and missed last years Valentines Day post, below you can read an excerpt of last years post on our annual family Valentines tradition. It's one of our favorite days of the year because it's a time when we all take a little time out of our day to appreciate and acknowledge our love for each other...the Kush Family Valentines Day consists of the following and has evolved, food-wise as the kids have gotten older....
I begin by shopping in advance for token gifts for Dave and the children, something I know would be special to each of them. I buy conversation hearts and a couple of other Valentine candies and always the same cards.....the ones with an animal on front and big chocolate lips attached, you know the kind.
I begin preparing for dinner around 3 p.m. with layered chocolate pudding in wine glasses, crab legs, salad and peirogies (as per the kids' requests!). I always set the table with decorations and dinnerware appropriate for a special occasion. I position their festively wrapped gifts at their place setting and declare the dining room "off limits" until dinner time!
Everyone is instructed to write what they love about each person in our family on a handmade card and then I put it under that persons dinner plate. When it's time to have our seats we pull out our notes and read them and it always brings tears to a mothers eyes to hear what their siblings love about each other! That's my favorite part! We then open our gifts, pray, thanking God for his love for us and our love for one another and then dig in to our much-anticipated meal of the year.
On a side note, this years event was slightly different. We added Parker & Lexy (nearly extend family!) to the mix and I accidentally purchased Spanish conversation hearts! What I want to know is, do they sell those in Indiana or Kansas???

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