Beautiful Resurrection!
With five Easter services scheduled at our Royal Palm Campus this weekend, over 800 volunteers signed up to help pull off an evangelistic outreach event that surpasses what few ever experience in a lifetime. Last night we packed out two services with over 5,000 in attendance, and many of those made decisions for Christ! Today there were three more services and I've yet to hear the reports on them, but I'm sure God showed up in an amazing way. It's His day, after all, isn't it?I pray I never get too used to the enormity of the events that take place in this church I call home. I confess, there are times when I honestly don't give it much thought. But really, how many out there get to be a part of something in which, week after week, thousands of men, women & children fill the seats and hallways of our buildings to learn about Jesus? We at Christ Fellowship do. And this Great God of the Universe that we serve, He's the main attraction. I pray He's well pleased.

A stunning stage & talented choir prepare us for worship

John Maxwell teaches live

Laralee directs our extraordinary Kids Choir

From the back of the packed worship center

Overflow seating in the Student Ministries Zone

Overflow seating in the main foyer

Our amazing worship leader, Greg & his beautiful wife, Mia (both of which have mad vocal skills!)
Great post!!! Mom
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