Russian Oddities...
On our trip we came across several peculiar sights, many of which we were unable to photograph. However, I did manage to catch a few on camera and I thought I'd share them with you.While shopping at Arbat Market we noticed a camera crew filming something at the Puskin Museum.

As we were leaving Red Square I spotted this "bum" who was sipping a bottle...hmmm....could it be a little vodka?

One of the most unexpected things we noticed were the many monuments to & symbols of communism still erect or embedded in buildings. Here's one of Carl Marx.

Several times throughout our city walks we came across portable toilets. They were there for public use and cost just a few rubles....yes, the woman in the open stall was there to collect!

Our last morning in Moscow, as we were turning the corner to the Marriott, we stumbled upon what appeared to be a crime scene and Dave couldn't resist the urge to pose.

Here's a closer view...what you can't see in the photo is the shattered glass all over the walk. By evening all the blood had thickened into a jello-like substance due to the cold. That's a blood-soaked hat in the corner..

Labels: adoption
It doesn't seem like a place anyone would want to visit, unless they were picking up children to adopt!
Not a place for a "holiday", if you know what I mean!
By the way...I loved your comment on Penny's're so wise and such a blessing to so many:) It was great for an old hat like me to hear!
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