Eliminating Hurry

Had a great time last night! Dave got home from work early, mom took Ben to karate and hung out with Mollie & Andrew at her house while we were out enjoying the evening. It made for a more pleasurable night for me....no guilt for leaving the kids!
We had our usual: Dave, prime rib; me baked scallops. And then of course we had to have dessert...New York style cheesecake with raspberry sauce compliemented by a delicious cup of coffee. Very relaxing and the best service one could ask for.
After dinner, we went for a drive along Palm Beach, being nostalgic and all. That's what anniversaries are for, to reflect, right? Well, that we did.
We then decided to drive by my brother and sister-in-law's old house in Flamingo Park to see what the new owners have done to the place. To our surprise, they were sitting outside drinking a glass of wine, enjoying the cool ocean breeze. We pulled up and starting chatting and before we knew it we were in the house taking a tour! We stayed for about thirty minutes sharing stories of days gone, when West Palm was a different place. When it was slower, quieter and simpler.
I guess change comes with the territory....that territory is time. It never stops, always pushing us forward into places we're unfamiliar with, but can hold great joy if we just relax and go with it. Busyness is what often times robs us of the joy we could have. John Ortberg, in his book, "The Life You've Always Wanted" says one of the disciplines we need in our lives in order to acheive "life we've always wanted", is that of "furiously eliminating hurry from our lives." I couldn't agree more. It's scriptural: "Be still and know that I am God," Psalm 46:10. How can we know God when we're so busy we don't have time to get to know Him? If God wants us to be still, He must have a very good reason. So that's the challenge I'm giving myself this next year, to "furiously eliminate hurry from my life" - why don't you join me?
Labels: ponderings
hurry sux. cant tell you the last time p & i have gone for an ocean drive. maybe i need to slow down?
Happy Anniversary!! I just have to comment. I'm going to lead a Bible Study this fall on a John Ortberg book. It's called "Everybody's Normal till You get to Know Them" and it is one of my favorites. His books are so practical and down to earth.
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